Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 696

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 696

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 696

Chapter 696 The Separation

Kisa looked at Gilbert’s tense profile, not knowing how to answer his question. She felt like it was inappropriate to discuss the issue at such a critical moment. She did not answer, and Gilbert did not ask any more questions.

Soon, they reached the intersection of the traffic lights. When the light was about to turn red, Gilbert stepped on the gas and crossed to the other side. Kisa knew he was, trying to get rid of the four cars following them so that she could secretly get off at the station in that brief amount of time.

As they got closer to the station, Kisa still did not answer his question, and her emotions grew more and more complex. She pulled the zipper of her backpack back and forth as if it would relieve her from the stress that she was under.

There were a lot of people in the station. As soon as they crossed the traffic light, Gilbert pulled over and parked his car on one lane at the entrance of the station. The entrance was especially crowded with people as the buses from different towns were coming and going there, dropping passengers off. Thus, the cars there were also in a jam.

“Get out of the car!” Gilbert urged when he stopped the car. At that time, a bus was already blocking their car from being seen. The intersection traffic light had yet to turn green, and the four vehicles had yet to come over either. It was the best time for Kisa to get out of the car.

Kisa did not dare to take her time. She quickly got out of the car with her backpack on her shoulder. After she closed the car door, Gilbert lowered the car window and said, “Remember, go to Riverton and stay at the best hotel you can find.”

When the car window slowly closed, she pulled the strap of her backpack and hurriedly said, “I’ll answer your question. I…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Gilbert had already driven off. He never got her answer. The car exited the lane and soon merged into the main road. The traffic light they crossed together had also turned green. Kisa blended in with the crowd and saw the four vehicles chasing behind Gilbert’s car.

‘He should be leaving the county and going to the outskirts next,‘ Kisa thought. She put on her backpack and looked at the rear of Gilbert’s car in the distance, feeling a strong wave of anxiousness in her heart. The killers were chasing after Gilbert. She wondered if he could escape.

Kisa stood among the crowd for a long time until the car was completely out of sight. She then followed the mass to the station. The station layout was straightforward; there was a ticket booth as soon as she walked in. There was no need to show one’s ID when buying a ticket at the county bus station. Kisa stood in line and bought a ticket to Riverton. She passed the checkpoint and went in.

There were several buses parked in a row at the station. A sign is hung on the window of each bus, showing their destination. Kisa found the word ‘Riverton‘ and got onto the bus with her ticket. The bus was empty. There was no one else but her and the driver. ‘There is still some time before the departure,‘ Kisa thought. She found a seat by the window and sat down. She stared blankly at the busy crowd outside the window, her heart feeling empty. She inexplicably felt disappointed that Gilbert did not get to hear her answer to his question.

After thinking about it, Kisa took out her phone and clicked on Gilbert’s number. She typed out a message, and after reading it, she felt like something was off. She quickly deleted the message and retyped it again. She then looked at the message, and this time, she hit the send‘ button.

Kisa held onto her phone, waiting for Gilbert to reply, but he never did after a long time. ‘He’s probably driving and doesn’t have the time to read my message,‘ Kisa thought. She then put her phone away and stared out the window, daydreaming. It was at that time that her phone suddenly vibrated. Kisa’s heart skipped a beat as she quickly took out her phone and turned the screen on.

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