Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 698

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 698

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 698

Chapter 698 They Say Dreams Are the Opposite of Reality

At the front desk was a woman who was in her thirties, swiping on her phone. When she saw Kisa coming, she gave her an eye roll. “Single or double? Show me your ID.”

“Oh, I forgot to bring my ID.”

The woman frowned. “We need ID to register you into the hotel system. No ID, no room. Go back home and grab it.”

“My home is too far away from here. How about I give you an extra seventy dollars? Can you please help me check in?”

The woman thought for a while and smiled as she said, ” Alright. How long will you be staying?”

“Just one night,” Kisa said. The hotel only had six floors, and Kisa chose the highest floor. The higher her room was, the safer she felt.

After entering the room, she locked all the doors and windows and lay on the bed, exhausted. After lying there for a while, she picked up her phone and clicked on the text history between her and Gilbert once again; it was still blank. Kisa closed her sore eyes and put her phone aside. ‘Maybe he hasn’t looked at his phone yet. What is he doing right now? Is he fighting off the killers?‘

On the outskirts, a concrete road with no end stretched between the canal and the field. A domineering off–road vehicle was driving fast on the road. The four black cars all rammed toward the vehicle from different directions. The vehicle was still trying to dodge at first. In the end, it deliberately slowed down and paralleled one of the black cars.

It then hit the car as if trying to crash it into the nearby field. At the same time, the three cars behind took the opportunity to slam into the rear end of the vehicle.

The off–road vehicle swerved in a hurry. Whether it was because of how fast everything was happening or something else, the vehicle made a sharp turn on the road. After being hit by the cars behind it, the vehicle slammed into the railing of the canal.


The railing shattered instantly, and the off–road vehicle fell into the bottomless canal.

“Gilbert!” Kisa jerked awake from her dream. She was drenched in sweat as she struggled to breathe. It was still bright outside, and the sun shone through the window, illuminating the whole room. Kisa stared blankly out the window and realized that it was just a nightmare. She did not know if it was because of the stress or lack of sleep, but she had been having nightmares for the past two days. Even though she had just slept, she was still exhausted.

She got up from the bed with her wet clothes sticking onto her body, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She opened her backpack and went to the bathroom with a change of clothes. The fear she had from the nightmare finally dissipated when she ran herself a hot shower. She had just dreamed that Gilbert was dead at the hands of those killers.

She hugged her body and thought to herself, ‘Gilbert wouldn’t die so easily, right? That man had escaped death so many times. This time should be no exception. I mean, they say dreams are the opposite of reality. There should be some truth to that statement, right?‘

At the Case residence, Sharon was throwing stuff at one of the killers angrily as she said, “You jerk. I asked you guys to kill Kisa. Why did you kill both of them? Give me back my Gilbert, you b*stard! Give me back my Gilbert!”

“There was nothing we could do at that time. They were inseparable. You told us to kill that woman no matter what. You didn’t tell us not to harm the man with her. So…

“Get lost, you piece of sh*t!” Sharon lay on the sofa and cried. Carolyn came over and comforted her. “Who cares if he’s dead? He doesn’t treat you right. Even if he were alive, you would never be the future wife of GK Pictures’s CEO. Why don’t you take advantage of his death and quickly join forces with outsiders to destroy his company?

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