Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 699

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 699

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 699

Chapter 699 Rest Easy

“Mom, what do you know? I’ve done so much for Gilbert, yet he died just like that. Then what’s the point of me doing so much in the past?”

“Shush, quiet down. Are you trying to announce to the world that you sent them to kill him?” Carolyn quickly covered Sharon’s mouth and spoke seriously, “Listen to your mother. Let’s not publicize this. Wait till the news outlets cover the news of that man’s death, then you pretend to cry him a river.”

“But I originally didn’t want Gilbert to die. I’ve said before that I wanted to have him. Now that he is dead, what am I fighting for?”

“You idiot! As long as he was alive, he would eventually learn about all those terrible things you did back then. If that happened, it would be your turn to die. It’s fine that he’s dead now. You can rest easy in the meantime,”

Sharon did not speak as tears fell.

Carolyn hugged her and said, “Listen to me. He’s dead. To us, it’s absolutely a good thing. Next, you should consider how to overthrow GK Pictures.”

Sharon sniffled her nose pretentiously and nodded her head, “Mhm. Since I can’t get Gilbert, then I’ll take over GK Pictures. Then it wouldn’t be a waste of all the terrible things I’ve done in the past.”

During winter, the sky would darken especially fast. When it was six at night, the sky had totally blackened. Kisa looked out the window; the fear in her heart was expanding more prominent and more significant.

The phone was silent. That man ultimately did not reply to her message. She could not help but call him twice on her phone just now. However, her calls never connected. She held her icy cold hands

tightly. She felt anxious and confused.

Something must have happened. Otherwise, it was impossible Gilbert’s phone would not connect. After all, even in the outskirts of town, the signal would still be excellent in this modern day and age.

She stared closely at the hotel’s main entrance, hoping to see that man’s silhouette would quickly appear. He had said that he would definitely look for her before nightfall. Yet now, the streetlights outside had turned on, but that man’s figure had still not emerged. As she waited, every minute and every second was torture. She felt like a statue. She literally did not move a muscle waiting by the window until eleven o’clock.

One more hour and the clock would have made a

complete cycle. However, Gilbert still did not appear. At this moment, there was not a soul in front of the hotel doors. Only a dim light shined through. Laying her gaze there, the whole street was empty. Cold winds blew the rubbish on the road, and the bleakness was seen throughout.

Kisa could not wait any longer, especially remembering the nightmare during the day. She felt very flustered. She got up and wore her parka. Then, she wore her mask and hat then went out. In the town, there were not many people staying in the hotel. The whole hallway was silent.

Kisa took the elevator and swiftly reached the lobby.

The lobby had only a single person at the reception, with no security guard present. The receptionist was the same person during the afternoon. She walked up and asked the woman, ” May I ask if the outskirts are far from the town?”

The woman gave her a glance and chuckled, ” Ha–ha, this whole town is surrounded by outskirts. Where are you talking about specifically?”

That woman’s single question stunned Kisa. ‘Yeah, it’s outskirts everywhere. Where would I go to find Gilbert, then? Especially since it’s dark outside now, and I don’t even have a car,’ she thought.

She dejectedly lowered her gaze,” Never mind.”

The woman gave her a baffling glance, then spoke, “I see that you’re not from around these parts. You haven’t eaten for a day. There is a barbeque shop that is still open right now. If you’re still hungry, you can eat there.”

“Thank you,” Kisa thanked her. She turned around and walked to the hotel entrance in a daze.

The weather was icy and the ground cold. Chilly winds blew through with desolateness. Kisa slowly crouched down and stared at the empty streets vacantly.

The lady at the reception stared at her silhouette oddly. After a while, she curled her lips and shook her head, ”

Does this woman have some sort of mental issue due to a breakup or something? She’s not even scared of freezing to death by crushing by the door like that.”

At this time, the temperature was freezing, but Kisa seemed to not feel the cold at all. Her eyes did not flinch while staring at the street. Suddenly, from afar, it seemed that a figure was walking toward her…

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