Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 700

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 700

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 700

Chapter 700 Strong Perseverance

Kisa shook all over. She quickly rubbed her eyes. The streetlights were dim, so she couldn’t see clearly so far out. The figure seemed to be invisible. When Kisa rubbed her eyes to look again, the figure seemed to be gone. It was as if she had imagined that apparition just now.

She was worried and anxious. She hurriedly got up, but her legs were numb because she had been crouching for, too long. She could not stand up at all and could only lean on the glass door. She anxiously looked in the same direction as earlier. This time, she really saw it. There was indeed a figure that was walking toward her.

‘Is that Gilbert?‘ She gripped the center of her palm tightly, staring hard at the figure. Her heart tensed up, inch by inch. The figure walked very, very slowly. It had not come over to her even after a long while. Kisa stared at him for a long time but still could not see his face clearly.

She could only barely see that the person’s legs were injured. When walking, it seemed to have a limp and hobble. Kisa could not wait any longer. She quickly walked toward the person when her numb leg got better.

The numbness still was not better, ultimately. With every step, Kisa’s legs were in pain as if being pricked by needles, so she ambled slowly. That person also strolled gradually. Hence, they were freezing in the cold wind for a long time before finally reducing the distance between them to only one or two meters.

At this distance, Kisa finally clearly saw the person’s face. It really was Gilbert. However, he was currently ridiculous, and there were blood stains on his face. He smiled at her, “Didn’t you say if I didn’t make it back to look for you before nightfall, you wouldn’t wait up for me?”

Kisa endured the bitterness in her heart and smiled lightly, “Yeah, I did say that I wouldn’t wait for you, but I had to wait till daybreak to leave.” novelbin

“You’re heartless,” Gilbert scolded jokingly, then walked toward her.

This time, Kisa saw even more clearly. His legs were really injured. The legs of his trousers were dirty, and there were blood stains on his knees.

He limped and hobbled, yet his dominating aura was still present despite his ridiculousness.

“Didn’t I let you stay inside the hotel to wait for me? Why did you run out here?” He had walked up before her and tugged her hat slightly when speaking. Under the mask, she only had two of her eyes showing. Kisa noticed the blood on his hands, and his hands also had some dirt on them. Under close inspection, he even had his clothes wet, and mud was stuck onto his clothes too.

‘In the end, how did he fake his death in front of the assassins?‘ The question pressed down on her chest; she held onto him and said, “Let’s return to the hotel first.”

Sure enough, he even had his sleeves wet. Kisa still felt cold in such cold weather even though she wore her parka. Instead, he was wearing thoroughly soaked clothes.

‘How did he carry himself here in this state?‘ Kisa wondered.

She could not imagine how strong this man’s perseverance was. ‘It must have been difficult for him to have come back alive,‘ she thought.

They slowly made their way into the hotel. This made the lady at the reception shocked to the point of dropping her jaw. Passing by the reception counter, Kisa stopped for a moment. Then she walked to the front of the lady at the reception, “The barbeque shop you told me about just now, do they have a takeout menu?”

“They… they do,” the reception lady quickly passed the menu to her and then stared at Gilbert, surprised.

Gilbert, even though seeming ridiculous yet was looking particularly eye–catching. Returning to their room, Kisa immediately removed his clothes from the bags, but only underwear was inside. She passed the clothes to him and spoke, “You should take a hot shower first. Wait till daybreak, and I’ll go outside and get you a fresh set of clothes.”

Gilbert stared steadily at the clothes in her hands. After a while, he suddenly grabbed her wrists. With some slight force, he pulled her into his arms.


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