Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 701

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 701

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 701

Chapter 701 Being Alive is Good Enough

Kisa’s felt her heart tremble deep down and instinctively broke free from his hug. Gilbert’s low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded above her head, ” Don’t move. Let me hug you for a bit.”

His voice had a heavy indication of exhaustion and exasperation from escaping death. His low and hoarse voice had totally lost its usual assertiveness, yet after hearing him say those words, Kisa really did not move.

“I thought that this time I… truly wouldn’t make it back, “he lightly chuckled after saying the sentence. His tone was light and slow, but Kisa could feel how dangerous it had been for him. She pursed her lips and did not say a thing, nor did she ask a thing. She did not move and let Gilbert hug her just like that.

His clothes were completely soaked and brought a wave of harsh cold air.

The chilly air seeped through bit by bit into Kisa’s parka. This made her slowly feel the waves of bone– chilling coldness. However, she still did not push away the man hugging her from behind. She secretly clenched her hands by her side. Kisa followed him together to savor the precious silence.

After an unknown long time, Gilbert finally let go of her.” You should go and order something to eat. I’m going to take a shower,” Gilbert said.

“Okay,” Kisa nodded her head and watched him limp and hobble his way into the washroom. The back of her parka had a big wet patch made by Gilbert. She took them off and hung them over the heater’s outlet.

In the room, the heater was turned on for a while. As the temperature rose, Kisa did not feel cold anymore, even though she wore only one layer of a sweater. She took the takeout menu and looked at it. It was filled entirely with barbeque options.

She gave me a call and ordered some food that would be more filling. After ordering the food, she sat on the sofa, silently waiting for Gilbert to come out after his shower. Gilbert used to shower very fast. She did not sit for long before he came out. He washed all the dirt and mess off his body. He had changed into dark blue colored long johns. Coupled with his slightly wet and messy hair, his entire body oozed an aura of laziness.

He still walked with a limp. The part on his knees had blood bleeding through again when he walked.

Kisa started at his knees for a while and asked, ” Is your injury fine?”

Gilbert tightened his lips and sat with her. He looked at her with a severe tone, “My leg might be done for. I feel that it’s hurt down to the bone. I’m afraid that I will always be limping like this in the future.”

Finishing his sentence, he stared at her expression without missing a beat. She was stunned at the start, then spoke softly, “That would be fine. Being alive is good enough. With your wealth and status, even if you had both legs gone, you won’t have to be afraid of not getting a wife.”

Gilbert’s face immediately fell, “You’re not worried for me even a little bit?”

Kisa spoke calmly, “Why should I be worried about you? Haven’t you always proclaimed that you had amazing skills? Then wouldn’t my worries be redundant?”

“Since you’re not worried for me, why did you endure the cold winds to look for me in the streets just now?”

Kisa slowly poured a cup of hot water for him and spoke calmly, “I think you have misunderstood. I just went to the streets to buy barbeque to eat. Coincidentally I met up with you.”

Gilbert’s expression fell completely, ” Kisa. You are freaking heartless.”

Kisa poured herself another cup of hot water and took a light sip. Then she held the cup in her palm, looking at him, “Was I as heartless as you were back then?”

That one sentence shut Gilbert up and he could only huff. Kisa also did not want to argue with him. Since he has been through so much trial and danger to return safely,, shouldn’t she give him a little care? It’s just that he had a sharp tongue. His legs seemed to be a superficial wound. If it really injured the bone, how would he still be walking? He insisted on forcing his legs to limp. Hence, Kisa also said some sarcastic remarks to shut him up.

His expression grew dark with anger, but Kisa calmly drank her water.

Gilbert gave her a glance and asked through gritted teeth, Aren’t you curious about how I escaped those assassins?

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