Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 702

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 702

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 702

Chapter 702 Something Might’ve Happened

There Kisa looked at him, ” You speak, and I’ll listen.”

She was quite curious about how he had gotten into such a ridiculous state. However, she knew that unless he talked about it voluntarily, it would be a waste for her to ask. Seeing her indifferent attitude, Gilbert was so angry that he did not want to talk.

Kisa also did not ask anymore. She thought when his anger had dissipated, he would talk about it himself. Two of them were in a stalemate for a while then the doorbell suddenly rang.

Kisa was about to get up, but Gilbert was a step faster. He hobbled to open the door. It might have been Gilbert’s terrible expression, but the delivery man’s voice was trembling, “Your.. the food you ordered. The total is 662 bucks. Just… just 650 would be fine.”


“Ye… yes,” the person stammered.

Kisa rolled her eyes and thought, ‘Gilbert, this man. He’s scaring the deliveryman.”

Kisa got up and searched through her bag for her wallet. She pulled out six hundred -dollar bills and a single 50- dollar bill, then walked a few steps to reach the worker of the barbeque shop staff. The deliveryman took the money without even counting it and scrambled away running.

Gilbert held the things back to the coffee table. He took the still steaming hot barbeque out. When he saw the smaller bag inside the bag, he couldn’t help but freeze for a moment.

“How come the barbeque shop also sells medical supplies?”

That’s right, the small bag contained ointment, gauze, alcohol, and other similar stuff. Kisa walked over and said, “It was me who called the barbeque shop people to help me buy it. The pharmacies are closed now, but as long as you’re willing to pay a bit more, they’re still willing to bring them here. Otherwise, you would think these things would cost more than 600?”

Gilbert glanced at her while his expression suddenly turned slightly better. Kisa ignored his gaze unnaturally. She stood up straight and grabbed a skewer of meat to chew in her mouth. Kisa then said, “You shouldn’t misunderstand. I was worried that your injuries would worsen. By then, it would impede our progress to Hillsby.

Gilbert gritted the back of his teeth. In his heart, he wanted to harshly ‘ravage‘ this woman again. This woman’s mouth would never have anything good coming out of it.

Gilbert might have been really hungry. He took a beef skewer and devoured it in a few bites. Even though Kisa had not eaten for a whole day, she did not feel hungry. She was already full just from eating a few breadsticks and meat skewers. She wiped her hands and took the medical supplies to bandage Gilbert’s injuries.

His arm and forehead had more injuries. Although the blood stains were washed away, it was obvious that there were many tiny cuts, especially on his arms. The knee had only one wound, but the wound was very deep. Hence, the blood had not completely stopped. Kisa handled the injuries on his leg first.

She used alcohol to wipe the wound and asked him, “Are you sure the killers really believe that we’re dead?”

“I crashed the car into the drain right in front of them. Besides that, I am sure I almost suffocated in the car. With all that done, you think they would still doubt it?”

Gilbert was still eating the skewers, and he spoke of it lightly. Still, Kisa’s heart could not help but tighten a bit. She smeared ointment on his wounds and asked him, ” Then how did you crawl out afterward?”

The drain by the road when she rode in the car, she observed it. The drain was unfathomably deep, and the hillside was long and steep. It was no wonder he did not allow her to follow. If she had been sitting in the car as it crashed down there, she definitely would not have returned alive.

“I was worried those killers would be observing from above, so I held my breath in the car. In the end, I could not hold it in anymore then I picked up the hammer to break the windows to climb out. Luckily, the assassins had already left by the time I floated up to the surface.

These injuries are from crashing into the railing by the drain,” Gilbert said casually, but Kisa was terrified upon hearing all this.

“However, we should get to Hillsby as soon as possible. Because… I suspect something might’ve happened there.

Gilbert suddenly furrowed his eyebrows.

Kisa’s also felt nervous in her heart, “What’s wrong?”

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