Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 800

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 800

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 800

Chapter 800 How a Real Woman Looks Like

Jolina looked at the license plate number and was delighted. But she also had a bit of mixed emotions.

Wearing a black trench coat, Peter exuded a distinctive aura as he stepped out of the car. When those guys saw him, they cowered. They looked at Sharon, whose face had gone pale. Sharon knew Peter was not to be messed with and that Jolina and Peter were somehow related.

Peter swept his eyes over Kisa on the ground, and then his gaze stopped on Jolina, who was apprehended by those guys, who pressed her down with their hands on her shoulders.

Peter narrowed his eyes threateningly and sneered as he looked over at Sharon. “What are you doing here? How dare you touch my woman! You must have a death wish.”

Sharon, also an arrogant person, was not impressed. She swayed her hips and smiled as she walked up to Peter. ” Come on. I didn’t know she was your woman. Besides, didn’t you two have a fight on the set last time? So I

thought she had offended you, and I was about to teach her a lesson,” Sharon said and intentionally leaned against him. She did not believe that she was not as good as that dull little girl.

Peter looked down at her with a faint smile but did not push her away. When Sharon saw he did not resent her,

she was delighted and became even more confident in her charm. She boldly leaned in his arms and drew circles on his chest with her fingers of red nail polish, intentionally or otherwise.

“Peter, those boring and insubordinate women are not very interesting. Don’t you remember she showed you her attitude last time? She is the kind of girl who wants self–respect but can’t earn it. She is just playing hard to get. Don’t fall for it.”

Peter smirked, his eyes tinged with wickedness. He

stroked Sharon’s long hair and nodded. “Well, you have a point.”

Jolina gave Peter a disgusted look and then looked away. Peter narrowed his eyes when he said this.

Sharon was still leaning in Peter’s arms and did not see his sullen expression. She smiled and kept drawing circles on his chest. “These two women are so nauseous to look at. Just let my men take them away. As for us, we can have fun tonight. I will show you what a real woman looks like,” Sharon said while brazenly stroking his face with her hand.

Peter caught her hand by the wrist with one hand and yanked her hair down with the other.


Sharon screamed in pain. Jolina looked over and saw Peter pulling at Sharon’s hair and grabbing her wrist.

Sharon’s body bent backward in a weird posture, and she was begging Peter for mercy.

“What are you doing, Peter? Let go of me. You are hurting me, ah!”

In disgust, Peter threw her to the ground and looked at her like she was trash. He pointed at Jolina and sneered at Sharon. “Even if she is playing hard to get, I still like it. You hideous freak, stops being so obnoxious. Get lost!”

When those guys saw Peter’s overpowering aura and distinctive appearance, they got intimidated and fled.

Sharon got up from the ground and stared at Peter balefully. “Men are really masochistic, liking a woman who does not like them. Gilbert is like that, and you are like that, too. Are you men born to be


Peter narrowed his eyes sinisterly. “I dare you to repeat it.

Sharon was indignant, but she was afraid of Peter. She shrank back and yelled defiantly, “You just wait for that woman to cuckold you.” Not waiting for him to get angry, she turned and ran away.

Jolina was relieved. She quickly squatted down to check on Kisa when she was pulled up forcefully from the


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