Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 801

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 801

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 801

Chapter 801 Fun to Let Him Get Worried

Peter dragged her toward the car without a word.

“Don’t you touch me!” Jolina used all her strength to break away from him.

“Heh!” Peter let out a sardonic laughter. “You don’t want me to touch you? Do you want those men to touch you?” As Jolina grimaced and ignored him, Peter lost his patience. “Let’s go. Aren’t you afraid those guys will return?”

Jolina looked at Kisa, who was still unconscious.

Worrying about Kisa, she looked at Peter and pleaded with him for the first time. “Then please drive Ms. Becker home.”

Peter frowned in displeasure. “Why should I? I don’t give a shit about her. Come on. You are coming back with me.” He tugged her hand.

Jolina avoided it and said with a stony face, “Since you won’t help her, I will stay with her and wait for a taxi.”

“You!” Peter was so furious that he ripped the buttons off his shirt under his trench coat. “I don’t even f*cking know where she stays. How do you want me to drive her back to her home?”

Jolina froze, as she did not know where Kisa lived, either.

“T–Then you drive her and me to my place.”


“All right then. I will wait here with her for a taxi, and you can go.”

Peter was and did not know what more to say. He yelled at her, “Why do you have to be such a busybody? What can you do, and why care about her? She is Gilbert’s woman, so it is Gilbert’s job to take care of her.”

Jolina did not want to listen to his bullsh*t. She turned and walked over to Kisa, took Kisa’s arm, and moved to pull her up.

Peter stood in place, looking at her coldly, angry, and novelbin


Just as Jolina was helping Kisa to sit up, a pair of muscular arms reached down. Stunned to see Peter carrying Kisa in his arms and walking to the car, she hurriedly followed. “Where are you taking her?”

Peter shoved Kisa into the back seat and yelled at Jolina without looking at her. “Don’t you f*cking want me to take you two back to your place? Get your *ss in the car.”

Jolina hated him for swearing. She was sick to her stomach of men spewing foul language. In her heart, Peter was never comparable to that teenager in white. It was a pity that she had been tainted and felt she no longer deserved that teenager.

“What are you waiting for? Get your *ss in here.” He roared impatiently again.

Jolina lowered her eyes, hiding the sadness and grief in them as she got in. This was the first time she had ever sat in his car of her own accord. In the past, it was Peter who coerced or forced her. As she got in, she looked back at Kisa in the back seat with concern.

Peter suddenly snorted, “Don’t meddle with such nonsense next time. If I hadn’t felt bored and come looking for you, you and this woman would have been done for.”

Jolina did not want to talk to him but looked blankly out the window.

A car came from the opposite direction just two minutes into the drive. Peter glanced at the license plate number and smiled playfully, thinking, ‘It could be fun to let him get worried a bit.‘

Gilbert stopped in front of the karaoke bar, got out of the car, and entered the bar at once. The people in the box were all drunk, lying around randomly, with the smell of cigarettes filling the room. Gilbert knitted his brows in disgust. He scanned the room quickly, and his heart sank when he did not see Kisa. He pulled up the director, who was lying on the coffee table.

“Drink, come on… Let’s get drunk!” The director mumbled to himself, obviously drunk.

Anxious, Gilbert picked up a glass of water from the coffee table and splashed it directly on the director’s face.

The director let out a muffled grunt and opened his eyes in confusion. “Who splashed me with water?”

He was shocked when he saw Gilbert’s sullen face. “M- Mr. Kooper? Why are you here, too?”

“Where is Kisa?”

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