Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 835

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 835

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 835

Chapter 835 Getting Crazier and Crazier About Her

When Gilbert arrived, all the artists instantly fixed their gazes on him.

However, the person in charge and the nasty woman immediately paled.

After all, Gilbert was also from Calthon and had been sharing some scandals with Kisa. They were worried that he would back Kisa up.

The two of them did not have what it took to mess with Gilbert.

Gilbert did not speak after he arrived. Instead, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Then he leaned back and puffed away quietly.

Everyone present stared at him and did not speak, as if they were frozen.

Gilbert could not help but laugh, “Carry on, everyone. I heard a commotion, so I came over to watch the fun.”

James, standing beside Gilbert, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

‘I was genuinely worried that Mr. Kooper would help Ms. Becker. If that happened, I’d have to find a way to answer to Mrs. Kooper Sr.,‘ he thought.

Meanwhile, the person in charge instantly felt relieved when he heard Gilbert’s words.

The nasty woman had a smug expression too.

She shook the person in charge’s arm as a sign for him to continue backing her up.

Seeing how Gilbert had no intention of helping Kisa, the person in charge

immediately lost his qualms about doing so.

He growled at Kisa with an icy expression, “Didn’t I tell you to apologize to Ms. Jennings? Why’re you just standing there?”

Kisa shifted her gaze away from Gilbert’s indifferent expression.

Moments later, she turned to the person in charge.

“I’m not at fault, so why should I apologize to her? Isn’t your favoritism a little too obvious? Or is there geographical discrimination among the Athadale event hosts?”

“That’s right. You guys are ganging up to pick on Kisa.”

“Shut up. We’re discussing this issue on its merits,” the person in charge spoke, trying to make himself look and sound authoritative, like a noble gentleman. He then turned to Kisa, “As an artist, your virtues and conduct must be up to standard. Ms.

Becker, how you’re acting will soon completely ruin your image.”

Suddenly, Kisa lowered her gaze and smiled. Her smile revealed a hint of disdain, ridicule, and iciness.

The person in charge felt an inexplicable sense of panic when he saw her smile.

To mask his panic, he immediately growled at Kisa, “Why are you laughing? Be more serious; this isn’t Calthon!”

Gilbert frowned slightly while his two fingers subconsciously gripped the cigarette tighter.

Then, he straightened up his body and prepared to walk over.

However, he suddenly heard Kisa speaking to the person in charge in an icy tone.

“Tell me, then, Mr. Willis. How exactly am I acting that will soon ruin my image?”

Gilbert was stunned. He could not help but examine Kisa.

‘This woman usually seems gentle and quiet, as if she does not have a care for the world. However, her gorgeous outfit and makeup right now paired with her icy voice is truly breath–taking,‘ he thought,

Gilbert took a step back and leaned against the wall once more. Then, he gazed at Kisa playfully.

‘This woman is changing more and more. But why do I feel like I’m getting crazier and crazier about her?‘ he wondered.

Upon hearing Kisa’s question, the person in charge panicked a little. He felt an inexplicable chill run up his spine.

He did not even dare to meet Kisa’s eyes.

When the woman saw the person in charge cowering, she shook his arm

persistently, “Come on, Mr. Willis. Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and remove that woman’s name from the list. She’s just an artist from Calthon, so who’s she to come to Athadale and show off? Does she really think we don’t have good artists here at



Kisa chuckled icily. Though her chuckle was not loud, it still made the person in charge feel panicked.

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