Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 836

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 836

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 836

Chapter 836 Know Where to Draw the Line

Kisa turned to the person in charge and said casually, “Sure, Mr. Willis. You could remove me from the event’s name list if you have the authority to do so. After all, the people here know the truth. You’re clearly favoring the woman in your arms. When the time comes, and the higher–ups of the event ask about this, I’ll have some eyewitnesses.”

“You’re… You’re talking nonsense. Since when was I favoring this woman?” the

person in charge growled in anger. He did not forget to shove the woman clinging to his arm.

Seeing this, the nasty woman did not give up and stuck her voluptuous ‘assets‘ toward the arm of the person in charge.

However, trying to avoid any more speculation on the relationship between the two of them, the person in charge moved away from her.

The woman fell flat on the ground face first with a muffled thud.

Even James could not control himself and stifled a laugh with his hand covering his mouth.

He then turned to Gilbert to see his reaction. To his surprise, Gilbert seemed indifferent and did not respond or show any hint of emotion on his face.

James lowered his gaze.

1 suppose I can relax for the next few days. Nothing’s going on between Mr. Kooper and Ms. Becker,’ he thought.

As James had this thought, Gilbert straightened his back and walked outside.

“Where are you going, Mr. Kooper?” James cried out.

He quickly caught up with Gilbert.

However, Gilbert did not turn around.

“To meet with a client,” he answered coolly.

The surrounding female artists started gossiping among themselves soon after Gilbert left.

They were talking about how rich and handsome he was, and how lucky the person who would marry him

They also mentioned how Gilbert was the youngest and most handsome CEO they

had ever seen and that even getting a glance or two from him would make them


Kisa could not help but laugh silently to herself as she heard the female artists complimenting Gilbert so fanatically.

‘That’s true. That man does seem very charming if you’re just looking purely at his physical appearance and accomplishments,‘ she thought.

Kisa gazed at them and saw that the nasty woman had already gotten up from the ground. She was now persistently hitting and pinching the person in charge.

The person in charge kept on dodging her and was starting to look annoyed.

Meanwhile, Kisa did not want to get involved any further.

She took out her phone to look at the time. Ten minutes left until the event started

Kisa turned to the person in charge with a slight smile, “Do I still need to apologize to this woman, Mr. Willis?”

She turned to the nasty woman in disdain.

The person in charge dodged the nasty woman’s attack while bellowing at Kisa,” Apologize for what? I’m so irritated right now. What the heck is all this?!”

After the person in charge finished yelling at Kisa, he stormed off and left the nasty woman standing there angrily.

Kisa threw the nasty woman a glance and sneered. Then, she lifted the hem of her dress and walked outside gracefully.

However, the nasty woman tried to stop her.

Kisa flashed her an icy smile, “I may be an artist from Calthon. However, don’t forget that I’m still the CEO of J & K Film Group, so I know plenty of CEOs. If you want to remain in the industry, you’d better know where to draw the line!”

‘I haven’t publicly announced the matter of me returning the equity of J & K Film Group to Jensen yet. Coincidentally, I can use that to bluff this woman,‘ thought Kisa.

As she expected, the woman’s expression turned pale with fear.

Suddenly, she gazed at Lea with a strange look in her eyes.

Her gaze had a hint of scorn and smugness.

Kisa frowned slightly. Then, she could not help but look at Lea.

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