Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 841

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 841

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 841

Chapter 841 Being Intimate With Him

“Once the warden is found, could you inform me immediately?” Kisa was stunned and nodded her head after a while.

Gilbert secretly gripped his knee tightly. He did not trust any of the people connected with that fire. This was ironic, since Gilbert was clearly innocent but was always

afraid of those people who would slander him.

Ultimately, he was terrified of losing Kisa again.

As Kisa was showering, she locked the door properly. She was scared of Gilbert barging in suddenly.

She looked into the mirror. The bite mark on the shoulder was still there, clear as day.

She glumly put on her nightgown. In her mind, she secretly cursed that Gilbert was born a dog. After coming out from showering, Gilbert had already sat at the head of the bed waiting for her. He took a shower and was now lazily leaning by the headboards looking at a magazine.

Seeing her come out, he naturally patted the position next to him and beckoned her over. Kisa poured a glass of water. After finishing her drink, she only looked at him, ” You’re not going back to your own room?”

“Kelvin is impersonating me there. What could I do going back?” Gilbert answered justifiably then patted the position next to him again, urging her to come over.

Kisa pursed her lips and struggled for a while before going over. She didn’t actually not want to be intimate with him. However, once she gets intimate with him, her heart will strangely be anxious.

Kisa crawled over and then tried her best to sit at the edge of the bed. Distancing herself far away from him. Gilbert gave a cool glance, then directly outstretched his hand and pulled her over with a move.

Kisa was fell into his arms directly after being pulled by him.

“What are you doing?” Kisa huffed glumly and pretended to get out of his embrace.

Gilbert instead stubbornly placed his arm over her waist and let her head rest on his chest.

He spoke in a muffled voice, “Isn’t this a little bit more comfortable? What are you doing staying so far away from me?”

Kisa altered her position and secretly felt it for herself. It felt that this seemed to indeed be more comfortable than leaning on the bed’s headboards. Especially while lying in his embrace and scrolling through the phone like this. It could not be cozier


She wiggled about in his arms and change into a more comfortable position. As she scrolled through her phone, Gilbert’s muffled voice came from above her head, “Can you stop moving around!”

“I’m moving my own body. It’s not getting in your way, “Kisa rolled her eyes at him.

“Heh, not getting in my way?” Gilbert chuckled from the anger, then grabbed her arm and dragged them into the blankets.


A high–pitched screech could be heard crying out. Kisa directly flipped out of his embrace like a carp.

“Gilbert, you are such a freaking scoundrel!”

“I’m a scoundrel?” Gilbert stared at her with gritted teeth, “If it wasn’t for you moving around just now, I wouldn’t be in this state.”

“Never mind, I’m not sticking to you. You stay away from me a little more.”

Kisa wanted to scurry to the side. Gilbert stretched out his long hands and pulled her back again. He pressed her into his arms and then made a low, muffled growl, “Lie down properly and don’t move around, that’s all.”

Kisa’s whole body stiffened, and she really did not make a move and dared not move


Gilbert took her phone and threw it back to her, “That’s fine. Just do whatever you

need to do. Don’t overthink.”

‘Overthink?‘ The corner of Kisa’s lips could not help but twitch, ‘Wasn’t it he who always thought of such unhealthy images?’ Kisa bit her lip and did not bother about him. She only scrolled through her phone by herself.

Both of them did not speak anymore. The room was filled with a rare moment of intimacy and tranquility.

For some time, Kisa’s phone kept replaying a specific short video. Gilbert couldn’t help but lower his gaze to give it a look, then noticed the woman in his arms had already fallen asleep.

He shook his head in dism1 Bemgintimate With Far

off before carefully lowering her onto the bed. After pulling the blanket over her, he quietly got down from the bed. He walked to the side of the window and grabbed his phone to call Davian.

Kisa opened her eyes, disoriented. In her half–asleep daze, she merely saw the silhouette of a towering figure. She could vaguely hear a flurry of conversation…

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