Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 842

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 842

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 842

Chapter 842 Cannot Take Any Risks

“You should send people to follow Jensen’s subordinates and search for the warden. You must find the warden before they do.”

Kisa unconsciously furrowed her brows.

‘Why does Gilbert have to find the warden before Jensen? Is he trying to prove that he’s more impressive than Jensen?

‘Childish!‘ Kisa unconsciously curled her lips into a smile and dozed back into her dreamscape.

She had not slept well for a few days, so she was dead tired. Besides the windows, Gilbert stared at the moonlight outside with a dark gaze. He could not take any risks at all now. He did not dare to trust anyone. He had to find the warden first himself and ensure that the warden would not slander him. Only then would he dare to let the warden emerge before Kisa.

Of course, he hoped that he was just overthinking things. Maybe the warden would not slander him. Ultimately, it was something he absolutely had to do to assure himself so he could have peace of mind.

In the night, Gilbert tossed and turned as he could not go to sleep. His whole body felt uncomfortable, like he was being burned alive. The room was not hot this season, yet he felt unbearable stuffy heat. He could not help but hold the sweet slumbering lady in his arms.

But holding onto the soft figure of the woman, he felt even more heated. In his body, something seemed to be trying its hardest to break through its shackles. His hand unconsciously wrapped around her chest.

However, remembering Kisa’s face when rejecting him every time, he finally retracted his arms back. He painfully stared at the ceiling. After a while, he suddenly pushed away the woman in his arms and

got up to get off the bed. He pushed Kisa and ultimately did a complete roll on the bed.

She made a small cry but went back to sleep immediately. Gilbert chuckled in anger.

‘Look at you, sleeping so deeply. Must be nice!‘ he snorted jealously.

He gritted his teeth and glared at the figure on the bed for a long while, then walked toward the bathroom.

The faucet was turned on. Cold water immediately poured down to the top of Gilbert’s head. Gilbert stood under the showerhead silently, allowing the cold water


to wash away the heat in his body.

Under the scour of cold water, he finally calmed down. The whiff of lustful fire was slowly suppressed. Closing off the showerhead, he turned around and leaned onto the wet wall. He then lit up a cigarette and smoked it.

The smoke floated around. Gilbert’s expression was wild and devilish, with a hint of lust. Gilbert stared in a daze at the clothes Kisa had changed out of in the bathroom. He started to let his imagination run wild again.

He hurriedly averted his gaze to another spot. He silently cursed himself for being so nonsensical. Thinking of a woman in such a way, he was incomparable to others. He also did not know when Kisa would genuinely accept him. Thinking about it made him frustrated.

He leaned on the wall and smoked another two cigarettes solemnly. After he finished smoking, he took another cold shower before finally returning to bed.

This time, he did not dare to get too close to Kisa. He was scared that he could not hold himself back. He sat leaning at the edge of the bed, took out his phone, and scrolled through it out of boredom.

Suddenly, Kisa rolled herself over a few times and got closer to him. One of her soft arms even landed on his waist. Gilbert huffed, gritted his teeth then angrily took Kisa’s hand away.

After her hand was placed away, she rolled again on the bed, away from Gilbert. Gilbert inevitably let out a sigh of relief.

His sigh of relief barely escaped his lips before Kisa rolled back toward him again, for some reason. This time, she was even more outrageous. She did not just put her arm on his waist. She even directly put her legs on his, treating him as a bolster.

Gilbert gritted his teeth so hard that it felt as if his eyes would pop out of their sockets. He was starting to suspect whether Kisa was doing this on purpose. Just as Gilbert was holding back his rage, Kisa slowly opened her eyes.

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