Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 843

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 843

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 843

Chapter 843 The Long, Long Night

“Gilbert, why haven’t you slept?”

“I can’t sleep!” Gilbert huffed out in a muffled voice, which was a little hoarse.

Kisa uttered out a single “Oh,” then closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Gilbert bit into his teeth again and put her arms and legs away. Then, he quickly ran to the sofa to lie down. Kisa was repeatedly trying to seduce him, or so he thought. If this kept going on, something was bound to happen sooner or later.

His arm cushioned his head, and he stared at the ceiling in a daze. A long, long night such as this was truly unbearable!

The following morning, James crouched behind the room door. Through opening the narrow slit, his eyes stared into Gilbert’s room that was facing slanted to his room.

It had been a long, long night, and Gilbert still had not gone out, so there seemed to be no problem. He gave a yawn and prepared to go and have some proper rest.

Suddenly, his eyes immediately stretched wide open. He saw Gilbert carrying breakfast and walking past the front of his door. He sucked in a cold breath with a


‘Impossible. Why would Gilbert have split into two?‘ he thought. As he watched Gilbert walk past, he quickly rushed out.

“Mr… Mr. Kooper, how did you come back from the outside. Weren’t you sleeping inside the room?”

Gilbert looked at his blackened eyes and suddenly felt pity for him. He smiled at James and said, “It seems you aren’t such a professional after all. Why? Did you nod off during the night?”

James shook his head repeatedly, “No, I didn’t nod off. I really stared at Mr. Kooper’s room for the whole night. I didn’t even blink once.”

“Heh, the whole night? That must’ve been hard for you. However, you should try and remember carefully, did you truly not blink once at all?”

James was immediately stumped from his questioning and started to remember. It was only during daybreak earlier. He was too tired and his eyes were getting dry, so he rubbed them a bit.

It was not even in a few seconds. Could Mr. Kooper have gone out at that time? He looked at Gilbert with horror and started to feel the resourcefulness of this Mr.


Gilbert sneered at him and walked back to his room in significant strides. James suddenly noticed with his sharp eyes the teeth marks on his neck.

He immediately chased after him and stared at the teeth marks on Gilbert’s neck. He asked in horror, “Mr. Kooper, your neck… What happened to your neck? Who bit you?”

Gilbert caressed the teeth marks on his neck and smiled dubiously at him, ” A woman bit it. Who else could it be?”

James‘ expression changed drastically, “Who? It wouldn’t be Ms… Ms. Kisa, no?”

While at this moment, the elevator door suddenly opened. A foxy–dressed woman wearing stilettos walked by.

She walked to Gilbert’s side and then stopped. James was shocked as he looked at the woman. Although she was pretty and her body was sexy, she seemed unfamiliar. She held onto Gilbert’s shoulder with a single hand. Half her body was almost stuck onto Gilbert’s figure.

She spoke to Gilbert seductively. Her voice was sultry, “Mr. Kooper, why did you leave in such a rush just now? You didn’t even know you left your tie in the car.” novelbin

Saying this, she hung the tie on his beck and tied a knot with her nimble fingers. After doing all this, she even tapped on the teeth marks on his neck. “Is it still painful? I didn’t do it on purpose just now. Please don’t blame me, though. Just blame it on you being so rough.”

The sexual innuendos in the woman’s sentence were too much and left James shocked to the core. Gilbert touched her shiny hair, “Next time, I’ll be gentler.”

“Then, Mr. Kooper, I’ll be going first then. Remember to look for me, okay?” The woman finished saying this and then walked away in elegant strides.

James had his mouth wide open and stayed stunned without reacting for quite

some time.

With a dull smile, Gilbert gave James a glance, then turned around to go back to his room. Just as he entered the room, the phone in his pocket rang and vibrated…

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