Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 846

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 846

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 846

Chapter 846 Making Up For the Regrets of My Youth

Lea stared blankly at the numbers on the elevator, feeling a little dazed.

“I did not ask you to come and play. There’s only half a day left. If you still can’t do what I asked you to, I swear I’ll make your life miserable.”

“The matter regarding the phone was done rather well. Tell me, what kind of reward


you want for your work? I’m not a stingy man.”

“…C–can we not use this? Can you just… come inside me?”

“You want to bear my child? Fine. Let’s see if you’re capable of it.”

All the absurdity and madness from last night crept into Lea’s mind. Her face contorted into a pained expression.

‘What on earth should I do? I don’t want to hurt Kisa, but I really, really, really love this man.‘ She covered her face with her hands in pain and frustration. After a long time, she walked in after the elevator door opened.

Just like last time, Kisa waited at the hotel entrance, and a taxi stopped in front of her. This time, she did not even look as she got into the vehicle. When she got into the car, Gilbert grabbed her hand and held it. “Where are we going?” Kisa asked him excitedly.

“You’ll know when we get there,” Gilbert replied. He gave her a dotting smile, not forgetting to tuck her hair behind her ears.

As soon as their car drove away, Lea stopped a taxi on the side of the road and said, ” Follow that car.”

Athadale was a bustling city. The roads were jammed up. Kisa leaned on Gilbert’s shoulder and scrolled her phone in boredom. Suddenly, she noticed that the man was staring at the rearview mirror with a serious expression. Kisa could not help but straighten up, look back, and ask, “What’s wrong?”

“There seems to be a car following us.”

“What?” Kisa looked back and saw that the two vehicles that were tailing closely behind them were also taxis. “You’re being paranoid. Maybe that taxi is just going somewhere that has the same direction as where we’re going. Plus, we’re in Athadale; Kelvin fooled the person grandma sent, so I don’t think he would be coming after us right now. As for Lea, she has no motive to be following us. She was sick all morning and even had a fever. She’s resting at the hotel.”

Gilbert lowered his gaze and smiled at Kisa. “Maybe I am overthinking.” After saying that, he continued to stare at the rearview mirror, observing the car behind them. Seeing that he was so focused, Kisa did not say anything else. After all, it’s good to be cautious.

After another half an hour, the car suddenly stopped in the parking lot of an amusement park.

Kisa turned to look at all the exciting rides and asked, “We’re going to the amusement park today?”

Gilbert smiled and nodded. “I’ll be making up for all the rides I didn’t go on with you when we were younger.”

Kisa did not speak, but her brows were arching in excitement.

When they were walking toward the ticket booth at the amusement park, Gilbert could not help but glance at the car that had just followed them there. The car had already driven to another road and did not follow them to the park. Gilbert let out a sigh of relief.

‘I guess I really was being paranoid,‘ he thought.

He then quickly bought two tickets and a hat for Kisa. The hat matched her sundress very well.

Kisa put on her hat and praised him, which was rare. “You have good taste,” she said.

Gilbert smiled, grabbed her hand, and walked into the theme park.

However, neither of them noticed that in a hidden corner, there was a camera capturing their every move.

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