Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 847

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 847

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 847

Chapter 847 Married At a Young Age

There were a lot of people in the theme park. Most of them were parents bringing their children for a day of fun. There were also many young couples walking around. When Kisa was young, she had dragged Gilbert to an amusement park once. But that time, Gilbert had a depressing expression on his face; it was as if taking him there was a huge loss for him. Kisa still remembered how gloomy he had been the whole time they were there, which caused many people to look at them with judgmental


Now, even though Gilbert was wearing a mask, Kisa could see the warmth and smile he had behind his eyes and brows. There was no way she could connect the man he was at that moment with the gloomy boy back then. It was like they were two totally different people.

Kisa had no interest in normal rides; she wanted excitement, so she went straight to the roller coaster. The roller coaster track was very long. There were several near- vertical angles in the middle of the ride, which were thrilling enough to look at. The roller coaster was in operation then, with continuous bursts of cries and screams from above. Kisa was excited just from listening to them.

She then pulled Gilbert to the line for the ride. She had wanted to go on a roller coaster since she was young but was too timid and did not dare to go on it alone. That was why she dragged Gilbert along. However, she did not expect Gilbert to act so unhappily back then. He did not even go on any of the rides, which also meant that Kisa never got to go on the roller coaster. Not only that, she did not even get to go on other thrilling rides. It became one of her regrets.

Kisa did not think that Gilbert would have remembered all of these and brought her to an amusement park just to go on rides with her after so many years. She tightened her grip on his hands and felt touched with a hint of sweetness as Gilbert looked at her, eyes full of tenderness and dote.

“Wow. That man is so handsome.”

“Yeah. He’s so tall and handsome. He has a good figure too.”

“Oh my god, his side profile is so hot! Look at that gorgeous bod. He’s even more handsome than the celebrities on TV!”

Suddenly, several girls were whispering behind Gilbert’s back. They glanced at him from time to time, their eyes full of surprise and admiration. Kisa could not help but laugh. She tiptoed up to Gilbert’s ears and said, “You’re popular with the girls, huh?”

“So what if I am? You’re the one I want.” Gilbert hugged Kisa around the waist domineeringly. Kisa laughed. “Hey, we’re in public. Let go.”

“What are you afraid of? What’s wrong with hugging my wife?”

“Ah! He’s married! Why do handsome men like to marry at a young age?”

“Yeah. Why marry so early? Do they not know that marriage is a tomb of love?”

Kisa almost died of laughter when she heard the whispered discussions of the girls behind them. It was almost their turn on the roller coaster. Kisa sat up excitedly and fastened her seatbelt. The man beside her was still worried, checking her seatbelt carefully. After the ride was full, the roller coaster started slowly, with an alarm sounding. Kisa was excited at first, but her heart trembled when the ride began to move. The ride was getting faster and faster, and Kisa hurriedly grabbed Gilbert’s arm. Gilbert looked at her tensed–up expression and chuckled, “It’s okay; I’m here.”

However, as the ride sped up, the sound of his voice got lost in the sound of the rushing wind.

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