Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 852

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 852

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 852

Chapter 852 Unsolvable Issue

Madalyn was stunned for a while when Kisa’s mom was suddenly mentioned. Then, her old brows frowned in displeasure. “Why do you mention her mom when

everything is nice?”

“I just want to know, did I have any relationship with her mom when I was a child.”

“No. That woman is a pest, and so is the daughter she gave birth to. From now on, don’t mention them in front of me.”

“But why…” Gilbert thought about it but still asked directly, “Why did Kisa tell me that her mom asked her to use her life to protect a man named ‘Gilbert Kooper‘ before her mom passed away? Is me the ‘Gilbert Kooper‘ that her mom mentioned?”

Madalyn sneered when she heard this, “Humph! Let her daughter guard you with her life? Does she have a guilty conscience? Luckily she died. If not, I would tell her that even if her daughter has a thousand or ten thousand lives, it is not enough to compensate. Does she want to use this to make up to you? No way!”

Gilbert grasped the main point in her words instantly..”Make up to me? What does it mean?” Gilbert asked hastily, “Does her mom owe me anything?”

Madalyn’s face was dark, but she didn’t say anything else.

Gilbert was even more curious. He asked anxiously. “Grandma, what do you mean by that?”

“Nothing.” Madalyn stood up, looked at Gilbert, and said earnestly, “You just need to know that woman only hurt you instead of being a guardian by your side.” Madalyn walked toward the door with a cane

after she finished.

Gilbert stared at her stubborn back deeply. He knew she would not tell him anything even if he asked again.

Madalyn came to the door and suddenly stopped. With a cane in one hand and the door in the other, she said to Gilbert in a deep voice, “Gilbert, you’d better break up with that woman. If… I find out that you are lying to me, then…” Madalyn did not say any more. She just opened the door and walked out.

However, Gilbert unconsciously felt a bit cold.

‘Grandma’s expression is more determined than ever. I couldn’t even imagine what she would do if she knew that Kisa and I were acting to deceive her.’

He leaned back in the chair tiredly, his face full of gloom.

‘How can the issue between grandma and Kisa be solved?‘

Kisa returned to the set, continuing filming for the show the second day she came back to Calthon.

After the lesson that day, Sharon behaved better and rarely talked to Kisa on the set, except for the scenes.

Peter still visited from time to time, and his eyes were still locked on Jolina. Every time Peter came, Adrien tagged along. As the main investor for this film, it was usual for Adrien to come frequently and supervise the filming process.

The strange thing was Gilbert also came to visit every day.

Since the quarrel between her and Gilbert, she never talked to him again after she was blacklisted by him. Besides, she also blocked him to get back at him.

Apart from being able to see him on the set, she had nothing to do with him. During the intermission, she hid in a secluded corner to avoid being harassed by the man’s


It was an exterior shot today. The view and air in the suburbs were good in the spring and early summer. Kisa sat by a small pond and stared at the sparkling water. Suddenly, a cold and oppressive vibe enveloped her back as she frowned unhappily and turned to look.

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