Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 853

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 853

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 853

Chapter 853 Same Treatment to Avoid Suffering

Of course! It was the man who always liked to have a gloomy face, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

Kisa got annoyed when she saw Gilbert.

‘What is the meaning of pestering me again since you blocked me?‘

Kisa did not even bother to give him a look as she stood up and walked to the set.

Gilbert grabbed her wrist, “Kisa, what’s the meaning of this?”

“Mr. Kooper, behave yourself.” Kisa broke away from his big hand and attempted to pass him.

The man strode over and stood in front of her again. “Why can’t I get through your phone? Are you blocking me?” The man asked angrily.

Kisa smiled brightly at him, “Yes. I treated you in the same way as you won’t have to suffer.”

did. So you

“You!” Gilbert gasped in anger. But he suppressed his anger in the end and explained to her patiently, “I didn’t block you, I…”

“Ah! Gilbert, why are you hiding here secretly with this woman? Grandma will be dizzy with anger if she finds out you are still in a relationship with her,” Sharon appeared out of nowhere and smiled meaningfully.

Gilbert glanced at her coldly. Sharon shrank her neck instantly, still a little afraid of this man. Adrien came here together with Sharon, smiled, and said, “I don’t think Mr. Kooper and Kisa have done

anything. We all know each other. It’s normal to exchange a few words; it would be weirder if you didn’t even greet.”

Sharon pursed her lips and remained silent.

Kisa stepped back from Gilbert and moved to stand under a big tree. She smiled at Adrien and asked, “Uncle Adrien, why are you here?”

“I saw the view here was pretty nice. So I walked around and ran into Ms. Case on the way here.”

Gilbert took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff. He said casually, “I just want to find Ms. Becker to cooperate with a drama. But Ms. Becker is arrogant after becoming the CEO of J & K Film Group. She can’t be bothered by GK Pictures’s cooperation. Humph! I underestimated her. Seems that my visit these few days has been useless.”

Kisa looked at him and sincerely felt this man had excellent acting skills.

‘He can lie without blinking an eye. No one will know his words are made up with his calm appearance. No wonder he can always put on an affectionate look in front of me. He can pretend with his good acting skills.‘

Kisa felt her heart could not take it anymore while thinking of this.

“I won’t bother Ms. Becker again in the future since we can’t agree on this

cooperation.” Gilbert turned around and left after he finished.

Adrien followed him hastily, “Hey, Mr. Kooper! Don’t be angry. I’ll cooperate with you

if she doesn’t want to.”

“Well, it would be great to cooperate with Mr. Tanner.”

Two of them walked away, talking and laughing.

Only Kisa and Sharon were left.

As Kisa had the upper hand now. Sharon was scared to provoke her, giving Kisa a vicious look before leaving.

Kisa did not have the mood to pay attention to Sharon. She stared at Gilbert’s back which was already far for some time. But she became more annoyed and finally stopped watching.

Fortunately, the man said he would stop visiting in the future. So she would not have to see him and worry about his pestering. Gilbert did exactly as he said he would and never went to the set again.

On this day, the sky suddenly became dark and cloudy just as Kisa finished filming.

Afraid of a sudden rainstorm, she drove home quickly, not daring to delay by staying outside. Unfortunately, rain began pouring down, accompanied by lightning and thunder, as soon as she reached home.

Kisa parked, got out of the car, covered her head with her bag, and rushed into the apartment. It was just that the rain was pouring too heavily, and Kisa was drenched just by walking a short distance.

She hurried into the elevator, came to the door, and took out the key to open the door. But the door opened before the key could unlock the door.


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