Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 854

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 854

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 854

Chapter 854 You Should Be a Locksmith

“Aunty Kisa, you’re back.” It was Andrew who opened the door for her. Kisa was dumbfounded. ‘Why is he here? How did he get here? Didn’t the Kooper family do anything?‘ Ada and Blake also came over while Kisa was deep in thought.

“Aunty Kisa!”

“Aunty Kisa!”

Kisa was petrified at the door for a long time before walking in. She hung the wet bag on the rack and asked them, “How did you come here? Who sent you here?”

“Daddy brought us here.”

Kisa froze while she was changing out her shoes. ‘How can I forget that man has the key to this house? But why did he suddenly bring the kids over? Is it because I ignored him, so he wants to use the children to improve our relationship?‘

“Aunty Kisa, we miss you so much.”

The children hugged her when she was thinking, but as Kisa was drenched, she hurriedly pushed them away and said with a smile, “Play by yourselves for a while. I need to change my clothes.” Kisa turned around and walked to her room as she said


She caught a glimpse of Gilbert sitting on the couch. His face was cold and indifferent, showing no emotion.

Kisa snorted coldly in her heart.

‘This man seemed to still be angry. I didn’t know who he was trying to show that cold look to. I would definitely throw this man out if the children were not here.‘

She strode back to her room after her annoyed eyes quickly glanced at Gilbert.

Kisa took a shower in the small bathroom of her room since he was in the living


She could not help but frown when she came out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel, looking to the side in shock, seeing Gilbert lazily leaning against the bathroom door.

Kisa was startled. She looked at Gilbert and then at the room door she had just locked tightly. She asked angrily, “H–How… did you get in again?”

Gilbert straightened up lazily, “I get in when I want to. Is this that difficult?”

Kisa gasped in anger. This man is outrageously arrogant!‘

She gritted her teeth and said, “You should be a locksmith instead of the CEO of GK Pictures!”

Gilbert snorted and suddenly approached her with deep eyes.

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat as she subconsciously backed away. “W–What… are trying to do? The kids are out there. Do you want them to hear my voice?”

“You can shout. I’m not afraid anyway.”

“You!” Kisa was so furious that she became speechless.

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‘He’s not worthy of being a father at all. He doesn’t think about his children at all.’

Gilbert pressured Kisa to back up step–by–step until the back of her knees touched the edge of the bed quickly, abruptly sitting down.

The man leaned over with two powerful arms on her sides and locked her thin body in his arms. No longer able to withstand his oppressive posture and eyes, Kisa stared at him angrily, “What are you up to? You blocked me first. Let’s end it nicely in this case. What is trying to do by pestering me again? You even brought the children here. What are you trying to do… Um!” The man dominantly blocked her lips and fiercely kissed her before she could finish talking.

Kisa beat him angrily as she indignantly dodged his kisses, growling, “G–Gilbert…”

However, Gilbert didn’t listen at all. He even pressed her onto the bed to kiss her.

Kisa struggled and screamed. Inadvertently, the bath towel around her body suddenly fell loose, defenselessly showing Gilbert her beautiful chest. Gilbert could not help but gape at the view.

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