Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 858

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 858

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 858

Chapter 858 My Last Gamble

He decided to tell her about Andrew’s and Ada’s identity on her birthday. At first, he was afraid she would use the children to help Jensen against him. But after spending so many days with her, he felt maybe it was really him who had misunderstood her. He realized that there was really nothing between her and Jensen, and if she really liked Jensen, she would not have made up and even been so intimate with him. Not only that, he could also see that she really liked those two children. So he still wanted to take a gamble.

‘If I win, then the family of four will be reunited in a real sense. If I lose, then I will accept it as fate. I will never love her again if Kisa uses the child against me. I will consider this as my last gamble, with the children as the wager. If I win, the reward would be our happiness; if I lose….‘ He lowered his eyes, forcing himself not to overthink and holding her hand tighter.

Kisa looked at his hands in puzzlement. After a while, she asked, “What is wrong with you? Aren’t you eating?”

Gilbert let out a smile. “Okay, let’s eat.” But he still did not let go of her hand.

Kisa did not mind but just let him hold it that way. Although she cared little about special occasions like her birthday, the surprise Gilbert mentioned still intrigued her. She swallowed the food in her mouth and smiled at him. “What is that surprise you were talking about? Can you reveal a bit of it?”

Gilbert smiled tenderly at her, and she smiled back, expecting him to reveal a few words. But he just put two pieces of meat on her plate and said matter–of–factly, “Eat up. Be good. You will know on your birthday.”

Kisa pouted, wondering what was so secretive about it. “How do you know when my birthday is?”

“I just know. Isn’t it the last day of next month?”

She did not expect Gilbert to know when her birthday was, as she had just told him once when she was young. He said he would send her a bouquet of beautiful chrysanthemums at that time. But he never did. So, she always thought that he had never taken her birthday to heart. But it turned out that after all these years, he still remembered it.

“Come on, eat.” Gilbert could not help but gently pat her back, seeing that she had been frozen still. “I have not once spent your birthday with you. This time, I will let you have the most memorable birthday in your life.”

Because of the mystery and promise that Gilbert created, Kisa gradually began to look forward to her birthday. And indeed, as Gilbert said, her upcoming birthday would become one of the most memorable in her life, only that it was a

heartbreaking one–so much so that she would experience an indescribable fear and repulsion of the word ‘birthday‘ for the rest of her life. And also, later on, she would learn that her birthday was a day that many people hated and were in misery.

The next month, Kisa’s filming work became busier and busier. But she felt good, as her life was fulfilling. She spent her days shooting and her nights on the phone with Gilbert for hours.

She did not know why she and Gilbert had so much to discuss. Every time she called, he seemed to have an endless supply of things to say to her, and every time he would only hang up the phone after she fell asleep.

This month, she and Gilbert were more and more like a typical couple in love. When they had free time, they would get dressed up and go out on dates. Such happy and sweet days continued until her birthday.

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