Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 859

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 859

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 859

Chapter 859 Her Birthday

On the day of her birthday, even the weather was on her side. The sky had been pouring rain since morning, turning the atmosphere white velvet. So the crew had the day off, and she could prepare for her birthday.

Kisa attached little importance to her birthday. So on this day, she did not decorate her house but just bought a lot of ingredients, thinking it would be enough to cook a nice meal at home and then enjoy the moment with Gilbert.

Kisa brought all the ingredients she had bought into the kitchen. Her body was soaked through, along with the groceries, as it was pouring outside when she came home. After putting the ingredients in the kitchen, she went straight to the bathroom to shower. When she came out of the shower, she subconsciously glanced at her phone and found that Gilbert had called her twice. She called back at once, taking the phone and waiting for him to answer while she walked toward the kitchen, intending to sort out the ingredients.

The call was quickly answered, and Gilbert’s gentle laughter came. “Hey, what are you doing now?”

“Sorting out the ingredients.” Kisa held her phone against her ear with her shoulder, freeing both hands to work on the seafood.

“Why don’t you just leave it until I come over? You are the birthday girl today, you know,” Gilbert said with amusement.

“It is alright. I’m free today anyway since I’m not filming,” Kisa said. “By the way, do you want to bring Andrew and Ada over for dinner when you come?”

“No. Grandma said she was taking them to a place and said it was important.”

Kisa said nothing upon hearing that but just asked, “What about you? What are you doing now?” In fact, she wanted to ask him when he was coming over. But she did not want to make it sound obvious.

Gilbert sat in his office chair, his hand twirling his pen, his eyes glancing at the gray, rainy sky. “I’m preparing for meetings. There are a few important meetings today, so I may be late. What kind of cake do you like?” he asked.


Kisa’s voice was now gentle, which Gilbert especially loved to hear.

“I have no particular preference. Just buy a pink one, a smaller one, as we can’t finish if it is too big. It is just ceremonial.”

“Okay!” Gilbert whispered in response, his eyes gentle.

Kisa put the seafood in the water, pursed her lips, and held her phone, stammering,” My birthday is here, and the surprise you mentioned….”

“What is the hurry? I will tell you when I see you. I don’t want to miss your excited look.”

“You make it sound so amazing. Let’s see if I will be excited.” Still not giving up, she thought about it but could not think of anything else that would excite her now. She had experienced so many things, and it seemed few things could thrill her.

“Just wait for it. If you are excited, then promise me you will never leave me.” He laughed wickedly.

“Okay. But if I’m not excited by that surprise of yours, you will have to listen to me on everything from now on.”

“Okay, deal.”

“I’m going to prepare the ingredients now. You get busy.”

“Okay.” Gilbert hung up the phone, feeling a bit better now. Perhaps it was the weather; he felt extra uneasy today as if sensing something terrible would happen. That was why he could not resist calling Kisa. Her gentle voice seemed to have a magical power to soothe his heart, instantly dispelling his restlessness and anxiety.

By about 10 am, the rain finally let up, but the sky over the cemetery was still cloudy.

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