Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 870

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 870

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 870

Chapter 870 She Had a Car Accident

Kisa’s face changed as she knew by intuition the other car was coming toward her. She hurriedly turned the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes. The next thing she knew, she heard the screech of the tires and her car hitting something, then crashed into the guardrail. The other car just grazed her car and disappeared in the rain in a flash. Because she had stepped on the brakes in time, the damage was not serious even though the front of the car had hit the guardrail. It only suffered a slightly dented front bumper and scratches. But because of the tremendous inertia, Kisa hit her head on the steering wheel, ending up with a few bruises and minor bleeding.

She sat back up and leaned stiffly back in the driver’s seat, her hands on the steering wheel trembling. After a long while, she leaned on the steering wheel and cried, her tense emotions bursting at once. She cried and trembled, her voice sounding fragile and miserable.

“Gilbert, why?” She cried out with resentment and helplessness.

In the Kooper residence, Gilbert sat motionless on the edge of the bed, lying on which was an elderly in her eighties. Her face was pale, her arm was being infused with fluids, and thick gauze was wrapped around her wrist. Gilbert was

expressionless, his eyes red.

“Don’t worry. Your grandma will be fine. Luckily, George found her in time.” Kelvin patted him on the shoulder.

George said he had gone to Madalyn’s room to call her to come out for afternoon tea but ended up calling out outside her room and getting no response from her. Worried that something might have happened to Madalyn, he opened the door himself. Just then, he smelled a very strong smell of blood and saw Madalyn lying unconscious on the bed. She had slashed her wrists with a fruit knife.

When George told him about this, Gilbert was completely dumbfounded. He could not understand why his grandmother would do this until George showed him a letter, a suicide note from his grandmother. The letter was long and full of reproaches and disappointment. She accused him of lying and questioned why he was still with Kisa. Every sentence in the suicide note was filled with intense despair and grief. She said she was tired and would no longer care and want him as her grandson. She would not stop him from seeing Kisa, but in such a drastic way of compromise, Gilbert could not accept it.

‘You know very well that, apart from the children, you are the only family member I have in this world. Did you ever think for a second about what would happen to me when you tried to kill yourself? If you leave like this, will I really be able to be with Kisa with peace of mind? No, it is impossible that we can be together. You will only push me deep into a painful abyss. Grandma, how much do you hate Kisa that you would use such a radical way to oppose her?‘ Gilbert said in his mind.

He looked at Madalyn on the bed, and tears dropped silently. He leaned over slightly and buried his face in his palms. The once untouchable, hubristic, and conceited man now looked so vulnerable.

Kelvin looked on and felt sad. He patted Gilbert on his back and said, “Don’t be like this. There is always a solution and hope as long as she is still here.”

“But I don’t know how to go about it anymore; it is a dead end.” Gilbert’s voice was full of weariness as if he had aged in an instant. “Grandma was saved this time, but what about the next time? Kelvin, what could be the enmity between Grandma and


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