Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 871

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 871

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 871

Chapter 871 Do I Have To Give Up?

Kelvin shook his head.

Nobody knew what kind of profound hatred Madalyn had against Kisa.

However, Madalyn’s determination seemed a little strange to them.

Perhaps only Madalyn knew the answer to that question. However, she flat–out refused to say anything about it, and that was why they were so puzzled.

“Give me a cigarette.”

With his eyes bloodshot, Gilbert lifted his gaze to look at Kelvin.

Kelvin immediately did as Gilbert said.

Then, Gilbert stood up and went to the window.

He opened the window slightly, and a gust of cold wind and raindrops flew into the


Gilbert lit up the cigarette and took a drag. His emotionless face looked desolate.

His cigarette burned out.

Then, he looked at Kelvin with a blank smile. “My grandma is actually willing to die to stop me from getting together with Kisa. Is there really anything I can do to fix this?” Kelvin pursed his lips. He did not know what to say.

He only asked softly after pausing for a while, “What’s your plan then? A–are you really going to give up on Kisa?”

‘Give up?‘

Gilbert’s heart trembled as he heard those two words.

How could he give up on someone whom he had been waiting for so long?

After all, humans were a greedy species, and one would want everything to go his way.

Suddenly, Madalyn, who was lying on the bed, groaned weakly.

Gilbert was shocked but immediately moved toward her.

Kelvin opened the medical kit hurriedly before he went to check up on Madalyn with his equipment.

“Grandma….” Gilbert said softly while bending down beside the bed.

Madalyn’s eyelids moved before she opened her eyes slowly.

Madalyn immediately locked her gaze at Gilbert after opening her eyes, but she did not say anything. However, her cloudy eyes had tears in them.

Gilbert’s heart tightened.

He grabbed Madalyn’s hand and said softly, “Grandma, I’m here. Don’t cry. Go ahead


you want to scold me or hit me. I just want you to be well, really. The only thing I want in this world is for you to be healthy and have a long life.”

Madalyn lifted her hand up slowly and slapped Gilbert after he said that.

Madalyn’s wrist started to bleed again because of what she did.

However, she just woke up and she was still very weak. Plus, her wrist was injured, so that slap did not hurt at all.

Gilbert could not feel any pain, but he could clearly feel how disappointed and angry his grandmother was.

He pursed his lips and bowed his head down. “Grandma, I’m so sorry. I’m never going to forgive myself if anything ever happened to you.”

“W–Why are you still with t–that b*tch then?”

Madalyn finally spoke, but her voice sounded very hoarse.

Then, she continued angrily, “I asked you if you’ve broken up with her, and you said yes. Y–you even put up a show in front of me just to make me believe you. Hmph. Gilbert… you really did try your best to fool me just to get together with that b*tch.”

Madalyn suddenly choked and coughed intensely after saying that.

Gilbert immediately handed her the cup of warm water beside the bed.

However, Madalyn swung her hand at Gilbert.

“Go away! You’re not my grandson. My dear grandson would never disobey me or lie to me. Y–you’ve got me good. Hm… You actually lied to me because of that woman. Y -you… cough… cough…” Madalyn scolded Gilbert before she started to cough again.

Kelvin hurriedly tried to soothe her as he said to Gilbert, “You should go out now. Stop making her mad.”

However, Gilbert just stood there, motionless as a statue.

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