Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 872

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 872

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 872

Chapter 872 Using Her Against Jensen

Suddenly, Gilbert lifted the edge of his mouth at Madalyn.

The smile looked cold and a little contemptuous. “Grandma, why is it necessary for you to think that I got back together with Kisa just because I still love her, or I’m devoted to her?”

Kelvin paused and stared at Gilbert.

‘What is he talking about?‘

Madalyn was also shocked but she refused to believe him.

Then, she snapped. “Don’t even try. Did you really think that I’d believe you? How stupid do you think I am? Why don’t you try something new instead?”

Kelvin was speechless.

‘She’s right. I can’t even find myself to believe in what he said now, let alone his grandma.‘

However, Gilbert smiled again, looking very unpredictable.

He leaned toward the window and said unconcernedly at Madalyn, “Do you know why I wouldn’t leave her alone and why I treat her so well these days?”

Madalyn did not answer his rhetorical question.

Kelvin ignored him too.

Then, Gilbert continued speaking as he chuckled softly, “That’s because I want to use her to deal with Jensen.”

Madalyn furrowed his brows before asking him, “Deal with Jensen? What do you mean?”

“Why do you think Jensen started J & K Film Group? He wants to replace my company and steal our family’s wealth. Did you really think I have no idea what’s going on?” Gilbert scoffed.

“He used Kisa to set me up, so I’m just doing the same at him. This is going to be so interesting!”

The twist completely blew Kelvin’s mind.

Madalyn was shocked too.

However, Madalyn just could not believe Gilbert no matter how real he made it sound.

“Why would you risk your life to save her if you’re just using her? Gilbert, stop treating your grandma like a fool!”

“Hmph. Did you really think I did that?” Gilbert smiled disdainfully. “I planned the whole accident.”

“What?!” Kelvin was so surprised, that he could not think of anything else to say.

Madalyn was doubtful.

Kisa’s entire body was tensing as she stood outside the door. She clenched her fists so tight, that her fingernails were almost poking through her palm.

However, she could not feel any pain at all as what Gilbert just said echoed in her


Madalyn still did not believe Gilbert.

So, Gilbert sneered. “The car was going so fast. Why would I only suffer minor injuries if I wasn’t the one who made it happen?”

Madalyn was a little convinced after hearing that.

Kelvin arched his brows and asked, “Why would you do that? What if the driver made a mistake and killed you by accident?”

Madalyn glared at Kelvin. ‘Why would he say something so stupid?‘ Madalyn thought

to herself.

Gilbert smiled before he said airily, “She would never trust me so easily if I didn’t do that to prove myself.”

Madalyn locked her eyes on him while observing his facial expression.

However, Gilbert just looked emotionless no matter how long she stared at him.

She arched her brows. She dared not to believe him entirely.

Then, she said in a deep voice, “I heard that you even brought that woman with you to find somebody who was involved in the fire back then. Why would you go so far to prove your innocence to her if you don’t love her?”

“Heh, heh. How could I make her stop hating me and love me again if I don’t do that?” Gilbert said as another rhetorical question, before answering it again.

“Grandma, I was the mastermind behind that fire.”

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