Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 875

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 875

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 875

Chapter 875 Mockery and Sarcasm

“What do you want to hear from me?”

He chuckled and asked Kisa, sounding very sarcastic.

Kisa’s body was stiff as she stood upright.

She looked at Gilbert without saying anything. She curled her fingers tightly, and there was blood dripping slowly from her clenched fists.

Gilbert swept his gaze across her before he looked back at the cigarette between his fingers.

He breathed out a swirl of smoke before saying unconcernedly, “I can say whatever you want to hear. Including… the world’s sweetest love talk and sweet nothings.”

His deep voice still sounded very pleasant, but his tone was filled with sarcasm and


Kira’s heart hurt so much, that she struggled to breathe. However, she started laughing.

“So, have you been faking all this while when you said all those sweet words to me?”

“Heh, heh!” Gilbert chuckled scornfully. “You’re an actress. How could you not tell

what’s real and what’s not?”

Kisa tried her very best to smile. There were tears in her eyes, but she kept them from falling.

“You’re such a good actor,” she said.

“I had no choice since you hated me so much. How would you take the bait if I didn’t spend some effort to improve my acting skills?”

Gilbert smiled and walked toward her.

He stood right in front of her, looking aloof and indifferent.

He reached out and brushed away her hair that was on the wound of her forehead. He did it so gently, that Kisa fell into a trance.

She suddenly felt like everything that the man said just was fake, and what he just did to her was genuine.

However, that feeling did not last for very long. She was awakened by the jeering and heartless look in Gilbert’s eyes.

She took a step back without saying anything. novelbin

Gilbert’s hand hang in the air for a few seconds before he put his hand into his pocket. Then, he said to Kisa with a faint smile, “From how we spent our time together, you look like you like to hear those sweet words from me very much. We can still be the lovely couple like before if you’d just pretend that you didn’t hear anything today. I can still flatter you with as many sweet words as you want.”

He made it sound like he was doing Kisa a favor while mocking her.

Kisa felt heartbroken as she shut her eyes. Then, her expression filled with hatred as she opened her eyes again.

“Were you… really the mastermind behind the fire?”


“Did you really make that accident happen too?”


“Those killers… when we were on our way to Hillsby…”

Kisa could not find herself to keep asking anymore.

She had already heard it outside. There was no point in her asking him anymore since she already knew exactly what happened.

‘Did I ask him that because I couldn’t accept the truth, so I want to hear him deny it?‘

‘Hmph. Unfortunately, he isn’t even bothering to deny anything now. He doesn’t even want to pretend anymore.‘

The man sneered before she could finish her question.

“Yeah. I hired every killer we met on our way to Hillsby. I also blackmailed the two prison guards. I orchestrated everything.”

Kisa stared at him.

She observed every expression and every glance he gave.

However, she could only see coldness, mockery, and nothing else.

She took a few steps back and shook her head. Then, she said with a smile, “I get it now. I was just an idiot that you had wrapped around your little finger.

“Gilbert Kooper, you’ve won!”

The man was the final winner in this game of love, after all.

She repeatedly told herself not to fall for him, or there would be no return.

However, she began to realize that she had indeed fallen for him long ago.

Otherwise, her heart would not hurt so much that she felt numb.

She did not cry, nor she did make a scene.

All she did was turn around and walk away silently.

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