Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 874

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 874

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 874

Chapter 874 Just Pretending

Madalyn was shocked as she shifted her gaze to Gilbert subconsciously.

Kelvin’s jaw dropped in surprise. Then, he glanced at Gilbert worriedly.

However, Gilbert was still looking as emotionless as before, and none of them were expecting that from him.

Gilbert stared in her direction.

The sound of the door opening could be heard in the quiet room.

Kisa walked inside slowly, drenched with rainwater.

She was a skinny person, but with her thin clothes stuck to her skin because of the rain, she looked even more fragile and tiny.

It seemed as if a gust of wind would blow her away.

Her face was so pale, that it looked like a piece of paper. There was a wound on her forehead, and it was still bleeding.

The blood streamed down from her forehead to both sides of her eyebrows, and to her cheeks. It made her look like she was crying blood out of her bloodshot eyes. It was a little terrifying to look at.

Kelvin was shocked as he took a few steps forward.

“Kisa, why are you here? Your wound…”

Kisa waved her hand at him as she stared at Gilbert’s back.

Her face looked emotionless, and she had not spoken at all.

However, her silence made them feel suffocating.

Madalyn glanced at her before looking at Gilbert.

Gilbert was looking down while patting Madalyn’s hand with a faint smile on his face.

Madalyn thought that either he did not realize that Kisa was there, or he was just pretending to be calm.

So, she said to him, “That woman is here. Don’t you have anything to say to her?”

“Hmph. I’ve already said everything I want to say just now, and I guess she probably heard them too. In that case, there’s nothing left for me to say to her.

“However, it’s a shame that she knew about my plan so soon. It would be so much more exciting if I were to tell her these after I was done with Jensen.”

Gilbert even merciless face even looked a little sad as he said that.

Madalyn stared blankly at him, and she was left speechless again.

Gilbert could still say something so heartless, even though Kisa was standing right. there.

‘Does that mean that Gilbert really doesn’t like Kisa and he was just pretending all this while?‘ Madalyn thought to herself.

Then, she recalled her memory. ‘Indeed, Gilbert has never told me that he liked Kisa. Nor has he done anything to show that he had feelings for her.

‘I was the person who made the marriage between them happen, after all.‘

Madalyn was finally convinced that she had misunderstood Gilbert, thinking that he was madly in love with Kisa, but it turned out that Gilbert actually despised her.

Kisa stared at Gilbert’s back for some time before she suddenly chucked softly. She sounded cold and a little dejected.

“Do you… really have nothing to say to me?”

She asked calmly without making a scene.

Her voice was so soft; that it sounded a little creepy.

Madalyn looked at Gilbert.

Gilbert lifted the corner of his lips. Then, he stood up slowly.

However, he did not look Kisa right away after he turned around. Instead, his gaze fell on George, who was standing at the door.

“George, why are you standing there? Come on, give grandma the soup you brought here.”

George recollected himself. “Yes, Mr. Kooper.” Then, he walked toward Madalyn with a bowl of soup and a few side dishes in his hands.

He came in to send Madalyn’s soup, and then he saw Kisa at the door.

Then, he saw everything that had happened just now. The atmosphere in the room was suffocating and he had no idea what was happening.

Gilbert walked to the window on the other side of the room and pushed the window open again as the cold wind blew the rain into the room.

He leaned on the wall lazily. Then, he lit up a cigarette and took a drag.

Only then did he turn to look at Kisa coldly…

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