Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 884

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 884

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 884

Chapter 884 Emotionally Hurt

The afterglow of the setting sun shined through the window. The place was no longer dark and gloomy from the rainstorm. Kisa looked around the room, and the slightly unfamiliar environment stunned her. It took her a while before she

remembered that she was at Jolina’s place.

Kisa furrowed her brows and suddenly recalled the scene in which she fainted. She had wandered outside for almost the whole night last night. She was exhausted, and

she was lucky that she bumped into Jolina.

Kisa then sat up, pushing through her sore body, and vaguely heard a few noises outside. She got out of bed slowly and went outside. The small living room had an unobstructed view of the balcony and the kitchen, which were connected. The apartment was small.

Kisa took a few steps forward and saw Jolina busy in the kitchen. She was wearing an apron, looking very gentle and peaceful. At the same time, Jolina noticed Kisa in the room and said, “Just wait right there; dinner is almost ready.”

Kisa gave her a weak smile, turned around, and sat on the sofa. The last time she spent the night here, she was in a hurry; hence, she did not have the time to take a good look at the place. ‘Although this place is small, it is very clean and tidy. The room has a simple design, but it warms the soul,‘ Kisa thought.

“By the way, Ms. Becker, I’ve charged your phone for you. You should go turn it on. I was afraid that your friends would be worried,” Jolina called out to Kisa as she was cooking.

“…Alright.” Kisa forced a laugh, got up, and went to the TV cabinet to unplug her phone. She then sat back on the sofa without turning her phone on. Instead, she just held tightly onto it. Her phone was not dead. She just decided to turn it off on purpose. ‘Yesterday was a nightmare.‘ Kisa did not want to talk about it, nor did she want to be found, especially not by Gilbert.

She had to think about her next steps. She hugged her knees and curled up on the sofa. The man’s figure was still lingering in his mind. Thinking of the ruthless words that came out of his mouth last night, Kisa felt her eyes water.

‘How long will it take to heal this heartbreak? Maybe it would never get better… What’s funny is that I’m still thinking of reasons to justify his actions. Did he say those things because of grandma?‘

But the warden’s testimony made her reasoning seem weak and ridiculous. She

buried her face deep in her knees, her heart overflowing with sadness.

When Jolina was serving dinner, she saw Kisa sitting on the sofa with her knees up to her head, a sad aura surrounding her body. She pursed her lips, put the food on the coffee table, and asked in a low voice, “Are you okay, Ms. Becker?”

Kisa hurriedly collected her emotions when she heard Jolina’s voice.

“I’m alright. Thanks for taking me in,” she said with a forced smile.

Although she was smiling, her reddened eyes showed that she had been crying. However, Jolina did not want to pry into Kisa’s personal matters. She just smiled back and said, “I’ve cooked up a few dishes; let’s eat.” As she uttered those words, she handed Kisa a bowl of rice.

Looking at the steaming bowl of rice, Kisa’s heart felt warm. She took the bowl and choked up as she said, “Thank you.”

‘Even someone I barely interact with could treat me this well. But Gilbert, the man I had known and admired since I was a child, decided to hurt me deeply again and again. I guess this goes to show that Gilbert had hated me all this while.‘

“M–Ms. Becker? A–Are you okay?” Jolina could not help but ask when she saw tears continuously streaming down Kisa’s cheek.

It was strange for Kisa to have appeared on the street like that last night. She looked like she was emotionally hurt. She took a deep breath and suppressed the negative emotions once again. She then turned to Jolina and said…

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