Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 885

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 885

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 885

Chapter 885 Hiding

“I don’t want to let anyone know that I’m here. Can you please help me keep this secret?” Kisa asked. Jolina was stunned for a while, but she nodded.

“Okay. Don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone about this yet.”

“Thanks.” Kisa stayed silent for a while. “I will be taking leave from the set. Can I stay here with you for a few days?” She continued.

“Sure,” Jolina agreed without hesitation. “After all, it’s just me in here. Also, I’m going to the barbeque restaurant to work later, and I won’t be back until four in the morning.

Kisa was a little surprised when she heard that since Jolina was still very young.” You work all night? Isn’t it tiring?”

“No. Mainly because this job doesn’t clash with my acting job. Plus, I still have some time during the day for a few classes at school,” Jolina lowered her gaze and said as if there was an unspeakable reason behind all this.

Kisa looked at her for a while and replied, “If you’re in need-”

“No, I’m alright,” Jolina hurriedly shook her head and smiled. “Everything is fine.”

Jolina’s appearance looked sincere. She gave off a cold vibe when she did not smile; however, she made people feel warm inside when she did. Kisa grew fonder of her as time passed by. She was also very grateful for her as well. After all, Jolina had saved her twice.

After finishing dinner, Jolina hurried out the door. Before leaving, she reminded Kisal that there was food in the fridge and that she could eat it if she felt hungry. Soon, Kisa was the only one left in the

apartment. The cruel and disheartening words that she refused to believe came out of Gilbert’s mouth crawled back into her mind. The heartbreak and sadness she felt gradually overwhelmed her once again.

She leaned against the cabinet and stared out the window. She admitted that she was hiding but did not know how long she would need to come out of it.

‘I have to wait at least until it doesn’t feel that sad anymore, at least until I can fully accept all that has happened. I must not look like a mess the next time I see Gilbert. I can’t make him feel like I’m a joke. I can’t let him be proud of what he has done.‘

Kisa thought about it for a while and decided that Jolina’s place was the best hiding spot. Based on what she knew about Gilbert, he definitely would definitely be. searching high and low for her, including at Ariella and Lea’s place.

She never really interacted much with Jolina, so she knew Gilbert would never look for her here.

Kisa wanted to use these few days to ponder on the reality that she had been living and to process everything accordingly.

In the office of GK Pictures’s CEO, Gilbert leaned back on the chair, smoking a cigarette silently. There was a disorganized look behind his eyes as if he was thinking about something.

After some time, Kelvin and Davian walked into the office together. As soon as Kelvin went in, he sat on the sofa, picked up the bottle of water on the table, and took a huge sip. “I went to the houses of everyone she knew, but I still couldn’t find her,”

he said.

Gilbert narrowed his eyes, took a puff of his cigarette, and did not say anything. “I’ve searched all the hotels and hospitals in Calthon, but I could not find Ms. Becker either.” Davian pursed his lips and said in a low voice.

“And she isn’t with Jensen,” Kelvin tugged at his tie and said in surprise. “It’s really strange. I can’t believe we can’t find her in Calthon. There’s no way she just

disappeared into thin air, right?”

Gilbert exhaled a smoke ring, and after a long time, he said softly, “There’s no need to look for her anymore.”

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