Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 889

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 889

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 889

Chapter 889 Wrong Person

She was going to make another trip to Hillsby. If the two jailers also admitted that Gilbert had threatened them, then she would never make excuses for him again. She considered this trip as a second chance for herself and Gilbert.

She still felt that the warden and the two guards would not conspire to frame Gilbert. If all of them said that Gilbert was behind the fire and their words matched, she would stop doubting and accept the truth. But if the two jailers said that Gilbert had never threatened them, then she would have to rethink whatever the warden said.

As the thought crossed her mind, there was a sudden sound of the door opening in the living room. She subconsciously looked at the time and saw that it was just after 1 am. Jolina told her earlier that she would only be back at 4 am. So she wondered if Jolina got off work early today. She didn’t move but quietly listened. But the more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong. Although she had not spent much time with Jolina, she knew Jolina was a relatively quiet girl who even walked quietly. But the footsteps in the living room were loud, like that of a man.

While she was thinking, the door suddenly opened. Before she could react to it, a tall figure pounced on her, catching her off guard. She smelled an unfamiliar scent of a man, and it tinged with the smell of alcohol. Kisa panicked.

The living room was faintly lit, and the light that shone into the bedroom was even fainter. As the man’s back was against the light, Kisa could not make out his face. She struggled, but to no avail, as the man was grabbing both her wrists and holding them above her head. Before she could scream, the man yelled at her in exasperation.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone when I called? Why are you avoiding me, huh?”

Kisa was wide–eyed as she found this voice somehow familiar, like Peter’s. ‘Indeed, indeed. This is Peter’s voice. Aren’t Peter and Jolina having some sort of


Before the man did something to her, she hurriedly spoke out, “I’m not Jolina. I’m not Jolina. Let go of me!”

The air came to a standstill. Suddenly, the man swore and pulled away from her, and then the light was turned on at the sound of a click. Kisa had gotten up and was cowering in the corner of the room, staring at the man cautiously. It was really Peter. It seemed like he had gotten the wrong person. He looked cranky, his handsome face brimming with rage.

“Why are you here?”

“This is Jolina’s house. What has it to do with you that I’m here?” Kisa said coldly, still hunkering down with a cautious look on her face.

Once Peter saw her cautious look, he could not help but snicker. “Come on. I’m not interested in women like you.”

“Who knows? How can men be trusted? After all, you just pounced on me.”

“You!” Peter was so angry that he bared his teeth and glowered at her before striding

out of the room.

Kisa breathed a sigh of relief after he walked out. Not that she was afraid Peter would do anything to her. After all, from the fact that he pulled away as soon as he knew he had mistaken her for Jolina, he still had a sense of right and wrong, not too drunk to do something foolish. The only thing was that she

was wearing Jolina’s sleeping gown, which Jolina had her changed into when she brought her back yesterday, and facing a strange man in her sleeping gown was awkward. Kisa found a jacket and put it on before walking out.

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