Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 890

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 890

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 890

Chapter 890 Seeing Another Man Again

Peter was sitting on the couch and smoking, looking melancholy.

Kisa glanced at him, then went and poured herself a glass of water. Holding the glass of water, she sat down on the other end of the couch and sipped on the water, with no intention of speaking first. novelbin

Peter puffed out a ring of smoke and asked, “Where is Jolina?”

His tone of voice was anything but polite, like that of a debt collector. ‘There is no wonder Jolina is avoiding him every time,‘ Kisa thought to herself and then said, “I have no idea.”

“You have no idea?” Peter sneered. “If you have no idea, then why the f*ck are you at her house?”

“Should I necessarily know where she is just because I’m at her house?”

Her reply dumbfounded him. He suddenly kicked the coffee table. “Where the hell is Jolina? Are you going to tell me?”

Looking at the man’s angry face, Kisa said absently, “She has left home since six


“Since six o’clock?” Peter frowned. “What was she doing going out since six o’clock? Is she seeing another man again?”

It sounded so offensive. Kisa could not help but frown. “Can you not speak so disgustingly? She-”

While speaking, the door suddenly opened, and Jolina appeared in the doorway, panting. She had obviously run back, sweat trickling down her forehead, her face reddening from exhaustion. She took a quick glance inside, then walked briskly up to Kisa. “Are you alright, Ms. Becker?”

“I’m alright.” Kisa smiled at her.

“That’s good.” Jolina breathed a sigh of relief. She was on a break when she saw Peter’s message, saying that he was going to her house to look for her. And every tirne he came to her, he would force himself on her like crazy. She went to work at the barbecue restaurant, partly because she was short of money and partly because she was avoiding him. When she remembered Kisa was sleeping in her room tonight, she was worried that Peter might mistake Kisa for her and hurt Kisa, so she rushed back. It was fortunate that nothing had happened.

The moment Peter saw Jolina, his anger flared again. As he stood up and strode toward her, Jolina tugged on her canvas bag, her face turning pale, obviously frightened.

Kisa frowned and quickly stood in front of Jolina, looking at Peter’s ghastly face.” What do you want?”

“Get out of the way!” He was already frustrated when he mistook her for Jolina–just now. And now he got even more pissed with her meddling in his and Jolina’s affair.

Kisa was used to seeing Gilbert’s grim and ruthless look, so facing an enraged Peter was not much scarier. She stood firm in front of Jolina. “This is Jolina’s house. If you create trouble again, I will call the police.”

“Heh, are you bluffing me?” Peter looked past Kisa at Jolina. “She said she was going to call the police. What do you think?”

Jolina lowered her eyes, tugging at Kisa’s sleeve, and whispered to her, “Forget it. I will talk to him outside.”

“But he-”

“It is okay. He won’t stop until I talk to him.”

Kisa pursed her lips, not knowing what else to do. “All right then. If anything happens, call me.”

As soon as Kisa’s voice trailed off, Peter snickered and reached out to bring Jolina straight out of the door.

Kisa frowned, feeling that Peter’s temper was just as horrible as that of Gilbert’s. ‘ Why can’t these men talk properly but always yell at women?‘ Reminding her of Gilbert, she could not help but smile self– deprecatingly. ‘Perhaps I would never forget this name for the rest of my life.‘

“Can’t I f*cking support you? Why do you need to work odd jobs at night?”


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