Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 891

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 891

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 891

Chapter 891 Searching High and Low for You

Kisa found a magazine and was leaning back on the couch to read it when a sudden roar from outside the door shocked her. She stretched her neck to peek out at them but only saw a little spark of fire flickering on and off.

Jolina’s voice was so soft that Kisa could hardly hear what she was saying. All that she could hear was Peter growling incessantly, as if not afraid to wake up the


“I warn you not to avoid me again, otherwise…” Peter did not finish his sentence, but

the threat in his voice was obvious.

Kisa did not hear Jolina answer, nor did Peter make another sound. It was quiet all of a sudden. Just when Kisa wondered if Peter had left, his voice suddenly sounded again, talking about her.

“Why is that woman in your house? Gilbert was looking high and low for her. I didn’t know it was you who hid her.”

“I hope you will keep the whereabouts of Ms. Becker to yourself.”

“Why should I? I’m going to tell Gilbert.”

“Peter!” Jolina raised her voice and then softened again. “I’m begging you.”

“Jolina, what the f*ck is wrong with you, begging me for someone irrelevant?”

“Don’t beg him.” Kisa could not help herself and came out to pull Jolina over. “Just let him tell Gilbert. It is no big deal.”

Peter leaned against the wall, narrowing his eyes and staring at Kisa coldly. He then chuckled. “I remembered the other day, you and Gilbert were still a lovey–dovey couple, weren’t you? How come one of you is hiding in this shitty house, and the other is looking high and low for the other one? Did you guys break up?”

Kisa pursed her lips, not wanting to talk about it. Jolina glanced at her. She could almost guess what had happened after remembering how woeful and sad Kisa was yesterday. She said nothing and just glared at Peter. “Go now. I won’t avoid you anymore.”

. Peter grunted and said to Kisa. “I saw Gilbert today. He looked as if he hadn’t slept for days, haggard as hell. And his temper is getting worse and worse, like a bear with a sore head.”

Kisa just treated Peter as telling a joke. She ignored him and brought Jolina back into

the house, then slammed the door shut behind them.

Peter stared at the closed door with an amusing smile on his face.

As soon as they got inside, Jolina apologized to Kisa. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that Peter would come over tonight.”

Kisa asked her with a serious face. “So, did Peter threaten you with something? Tell me, and I will help you.”

Jolina shook her head. “No, he didn’t threaten me. Sometimes he even helped me. Just that… just that…” Feeling said, Jolina lowered her eyes and said nothing more.

Kisa figured it must be something from the past that Jolina did not want to mention. So she pursed her lips and stopped asking. She changed the subject and said, ” Thank you for taking me in these two days. I will leave tomorrow.”

Jolina was shocked. “Didn’t you say you would stay for a few days? Why do you have to leave after just one day? Is it because of Peter?”

“Of course not.” Kisa smiled at her. “It is just that there is something I need to check on. Also, do you have a car I could borrow for a few days?”

Jolina was hesitant. “Yeah, but it is a gift from Peter. It has been parked outside for days, and I haven’t driven it once.”

“Then lend me the car for a few days. Just treat it as I borrow it from him. I will tell him afterward.” Kisa figured it was better to use Peter’s car, as this way, Gilbert would not be able to track her down.

Jolina looked at her, wanting to say something but hesitated.

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