Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 896

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 896

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 896

Chapter 896 Which Hand Touched My Woman

Jolina screamed and shook off the hand. The person came up and tried to hug her, looking lecherous. “Hey, beauty. Don’t be afraid. I just want to have a drink with you. What is there to be afraid of?”

Jolina’s face turned pale in fright. Kisa pulled the man away, raising her hand to slap him. “Get the hell out of my sight!” Kisa hit him so hard that the punk crashed into the other two.

It took the punk a few seconds before he knew what had happened. He then barked at his two underlings, “Go get the two chicks! I will teach them a lesson today.”

“Who do you want to teach a lesson to?” A deep, cold voice suddenly came from a direction.

Kisa looked in surprise at the tall guy that appeared out of nowhere. ‘Isn’t that Peter?‘ He was standing there with a cigarette in his mouth, looking lackadaisical, but his aura was not to be messed with. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the three punks. “Tell me whom you want to teach a lesson to.”

The three punks were just paper tigers–all talk but no show. When they saw Peter, they chickened out, looking at each other, and no one dared to say a word.

Peter smirked, and then took a step toward the punk, who had just grabbed Jolina. ” Which hand did you just use to touch my woman, huh?”

“His woman?‘ Kisa glanced at Jolina again, but only to see her biting her lower lip, looking indignant. Kisa pursed her lips, having almost guessed what this was all about.

“Ouch!” the punk screamed all of a sudden as Peter was twisting his wrist. The other two punks saw this and were scared the hell out of them. They kept a distance for fear of getting into trouble.

At that moment, the stall owner hurriedly came, trying to stop the fight. “Please don’t be angry with them, sir. These guys like to talk nonsense, but they don’t have bad intentions. We all know them here; they just like to tease girls, really. Just let him go.”

Jolina did not want to make a big deal out of it, either. So she shouted at Peter, ” That’s enough.” She then brought Kisa and walked back toward the hotel.

Kisa glanced at Jolina’s face and knew that she was not happy. Jolina came out with her to avoid Peter, yet Peter was following her.

Peter yanked the punk away and then caught up with the two of them. As the two arrived in front of their hotel room, Peter walked past them nonchalantly, and opened the door to the room next door.

Kisa was wide–eyed. ‘No wonder. It turns out that the person who is staying next door is him. So that means he was the one in the car that followed us during the day.‘

Peter stared amusedly at the surprised look on their faces and then leaned lazily. against the door and smiled at them. “Next, I will follow you all the way.”

“What the hell do you want?” Jolina yelled at him angrily before Kisa could say anything.

But Peter was not angry. He just smiled. “Nothing that I want. I’m just protecting you


“You…” Jolina was so angry that she did not know what else to say. She pushed the door open and entered the room.

Kisa stared at Peter thoughtfully, asking, “You followed us all the way just to protect us?”

Peter sneered, “Who cares about you? I’m just afraid that you will abduct Jolina. I don’t mean to be mean, but what are you doing here in this goddamn place with Jolina? What if you two meet the wrong people?” Peter said, his tone of voice getting


Kisa stared at him for a long while, thinking, ‘It seems that he came all the way here Peter just for Jolina.’ She said nothing more. As she was about to enter the room, suddenly called out to her.

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