Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 897

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 897

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 897

Chapter 897 Avoiding Him Forever

“Do you know how Gilbert’s doing now?”

“I have nothing to do with him and I’m not interested to know about that either.”

Kisa said indifferently before she went into the room and shut the door.

Peter stared at that closed door and laughed scornfully. “Women are such heartless creatures.”

He just wanted to tell her that Gilbert might have tried to end his life by taking sleeping pills.

Peter gave up the idea of doing that since Kisa showed no interest in knowing about what happened to Gilbert.

Jolina spaced out as she cooped up on the couch, looking a little sad.

Kisa went toward her and grabbed her hand. Then, she asked softly, “What’s wrong? Is it because of him?” novelbin

Jolina looked at her with tears rolling in her eyes as if she had been trying to suppress her feelings for her a long time. Suddenly, she lay in Kisa’s arms and started crying.

Kisa patted her back lightly and consoled her, “It’s okay. Don’t worry. I’m here. I won’t let him do anything to you.”

“I should’ve just left him alone. I shouldn’t trust him at all. He’s an animal. He lied to me and took the love of my life away from me… Waah… I hate him…”

Jolina sounded very sad and angry.

Kisa pursed her lips as she had no idea how to make her feel better.

The only thing that she could do is to let her cry her heart out.

‘Perhaps she’d feel a lot better after crying.’ Kisa thought to herself.

Heavy rain poured down again at night in Calthon.

Gilbert stood at the window as he quietly watched the thunder striking across the sky.

He remembered that Kisa hated rain very much, especially a thunderstorm like this. The sound of thunder crackling would frighten her and keep her up at night.

‘Is she asleep now? Or is she huddling in the corner of her bed fearfully?‘

His heart ached when he thought about how helpless and fragile Kisa would look.

In such weather, the only thing that he wanted to do was to hold Kisa in his arms tightly and let her fall asleep without worry.

He would feel like he had everything thing in the world just by looking at her restful sleeping face.

Gilbert would give her a call every day in the last couple of days, but her phone was never switched on.

He also would go to her place to wait for her every day, but she just would not show up.

He had no idea where to look for her.

He was afraid that she would avoid him like this for the rest of her life.

The rest of her life!

He did not even dare to imagine how long that would be.

Madalyn came inside silently.

Madalyn’s wrinkly eyes looked a little unsettled as she gazed at Gilbert’s slim figure.

Then, she said to him, “Gilbert, it’s almost twelve. Why don’t you go to bed?”

“Grandma, I’m not sleepy yet. You should sleep first. I’m good.”

Gilbert responded without even turning his head.

His deep voice sounded a little dejected.

Madalyn pursed her lips and left the study room quietly.

She was worried that Gilbert might try to secretly consume sleeping pills again, so she would come over to check up on him from time to time.

Even though he did not do that, he stayed awake for the whole night.

He would be smoking while sitting on the chair whenever Madalyn came to see him.

His handsome face started to look more haggard and dulled.

Madalyn watched him silently as her heart tightened.

The next morning, she dialed Kelvin’s number.

Kelvin immediately got out of his bed after receiving Madalyn’s call early in the


morning. He walked outside while putting on his clothes.

“Did something happen to Gilbert again?”

“No. I just wanted to ask you what will happen to him if things keep going on like this.

Kelvin stopped walking as he put his hand on the banister. Then, he said after

deliberation, “He’d probably be depressed if this goes on for a long time. Also, his body will collapse.”

Madalyn’s body shook.

She put down her phone and blankly stared at the pouring rain outside. Then, a bitter smile appeared on her timeworn face. ‘I made… a mistake.‘

She held her cane and slowly walked to the door as she made a decision.

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