Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 898

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 898

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 898

Chapter 898 I’m Not Doing This for You

The weather was scorching. Peter took two boxes of water and put them in the truck and Kisa even bought some snacks.

They were going to drive through some mountain roads later, and they would not pass by any convenient stores or towns anymore.

Kisa remembered that she did not dare to drive up the mountains because of how narrow and rugged it was. It was Gilbert who took the wheel in the end.

However, Peter would probably be replacing Gilbert this time. After all, his driving skill was a lot better than Kisa’s.

Ever since Peter appeared in that little town, he just would not leave them alone. He even offered to be their driver.

Indeed, they felt a lot safer with a man.

Kisa was fine with Peter following them. She thought that he would even come in handy when necessary.

But Jolina did not like him very much. She treated him with a cold face during the whole journey and she did not speak to him at all.

Suddenly, Peter handed Jolina a bottle of water to close the gap between them.

However, Jolina ignored him completely as if he was invisible.

Peter would tremble with rage whenever Jolina did this to him. However, there was nothing he could do about it. So, he went to the side and lit up a cigarette.

Kisa went beside him and squatted down like how he did.

She glanced at his angry face and said with a smile, “Anyway, I’ve got to thank you.”

“It’s fine. I’m not doing this for you anyway.” Peter purposely blew the cigarette smoke at her as if he was very irritated.

Kisa arched her brows and coughed. Then, she stood up and went back into the car, leaving him alone.

Peter got into the car too after finishing another stick of cigarette.

None of them spoke as the car continued to move forward.

As expected, they did not pass by any more towns after that. Kisa checked the GPS, and it was just going to be mountain roads all the way.

The sky outside the window had turned completely dark.

Kisa said to Peter, who was driving, “We can stop the car and take a break if you’re feeling tired.”

“It’s fine. I’m very energized. You guys should sleep if you’re tired. There’s nothing much for you to do in the car anyway.”

Peter said without turning his head.back.

Jolina was clutching the corner of her shirt. Her face was a little pinkish as if she was holding something back.

Suddenly, the car went over a pothole, and it bumped along.

Jolina clutched her shirt even tighter as her face became red.

She gritted her teeth and said to Peter, “Stop the car. Stop the car now.”

“What’s wrong?” Peter asked, but he kept driving anyway.

Jolina bit her lips as if she was too embarrassed to answer Peter’s question.

Kisa could not help but look at her. She suddenly understood what was going on when she saw how Jolina clutched her stomach.

She looked away and said to Peter, “Jolina is worried about you being too tired to drive, so she told you to stop the car and rest. Just stop the car now.”

Peter could not help but lift the edge of his mouth after he heard what Kisa said.

After that, he pulled the car over.

Peter unbuckled his seatbelt before turning around to ask Jolina, “Just tell me directly if you’re worried about me. I…”

Jolina immediately pushed the car door open and ran outside before Peter could finish talking.

Peter looked at Kisa confusedly.

Kisa waved her hand. “Let’s take a break here since the car has stopped.”

She went out of the car and walked in Jolina’s direction after saying that.

Peter took a stick of cigarette out and lit it fretfully. Then, he said with a sarcastic smile, “Worried about me? They only asked me to stop the car because they wanted to take a leak. Sigh. They could’ve just

told me directly. There’s no need to lie and give me fake hope!”


Peter heard somebody yelling as soon as he was done complaining to himself.

He trembled. Then, he threw him cigarette away and quickly walked toward the direction where the sound was coming from.

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