Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 899

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 899

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 899

Chapter 899 Raze It To The Ground

Under the illumination of the moonlight, Peter could see Jolina lying on the bottom of a small slope as if she had fallen accidentally.

Peter panicked and shouted Jolina’s name. Then, he quickly went down and tried to help her up.

However, he suddenly felt like he stepped on something.

He heard somebody yelling again.

Peter looked down in shock and found himself stepping on Kisa’s wrist. He had no idea Kisa was just lying down beside him all this while.

He quickly put his foot away and smiled awkwardly.

“How did just get under my foot?”

The man was so heavy, and the pain Kisa felt was excruciating.

Kisa held her wrist and sat up before shouting at Peter, “Are you f*cking blind? The moon is so bright, yet you couldn’t see me at all?!”

“Ah! I really didn’t know you were there. I could only see Jolina.”

Peter ran down the slope as he said that and immediately helped Jolina up.

Even though Kisa was angry, she smiled after looking at how worried Peter looked.

‘Indeed, men would only care about the woman they love. The love of their lives is the only person they can see.

‘If Gilbert was here…‘

The smile on her face froze when she thought of Gilbert.

‘No way. I’ve got to stop thinking about that man or I’m going to mess myself up.‘

Jolina stood up and pushed Peter away. Then, she went to Kisa and asked, “Kisa, are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Kisa replied with a smile.

Jolina was the one who slipped and rolled down the slope just now.

Kisa wanted to grab Jolina, but she lost her balance and fell.

Peter crossed his arms and looked at them scornfully. “I have no idea what to say.

This is ridiculous.”

Jolina pursed her lips without saying anything.

Kisa stood up and held Jolina’s arm before walking back to the car with her.

Three of them rested for a while there. Then, they went on with their journey.

Things went rather smoothly after that, and they caught up with their schedule.

In the afternoon, the car finally drove into a path that Kisa was familiar with.

She remembered that Hillsby was located right at the end of that path.

Hillsby sat at the foot of a hill, and it was surrounded by many other mountains. That path was the only way to get into Hillsby.

However, the look on Kisa’s face changed as the car started to go farther down the path.

They reached the end of the path, yet they could not see a single house.

Finally, Peter stopped the car in a spacious and empty space.

There was no road ahead and mountains were the only things they could see.

Peter turned around and looked at Kisa before he asked confusedly, “What’s going on? Did we take a wrong turn?”


Kisa mumbled softly.

She got out of the car stiffly and she was shocked by the scene before her.

Those shabby tiled houses were all gone, and the ground was full of dust and some shattered tiles.

She could also see some household goods like bowls and pots scattered around the ground.

That village disappeared.

All those small, tiled houses were destroyed.

‘You’d better tell me the truth about what happened behind that fire back then. Otherwise, I’m going to raze this village to the ground. I mean it!‘

Kisa suddenly thought of what Gilbert said to threaten the two prison guards back then.

Her body felt weak, and she slumped to the ground.


Jolina spoke softly as she immediately tried to help Kisa up.

Kisa’s blood froze in her veins as she stared at what was in front of her.

‘How did the village become like this? Did Gilbert really do what he said to the two prison guards?‘

“Argh… I’m going to kill you!”

Suddenly, a hoarse and hostile roar was heard as the sharp wind blew…

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