Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 900

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 900

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 900

Chapter 900 The Truth

Kisa lifted her head, horrified. Then, somebody was swinging a bat as thick as her arm barbed with wire at her.

Kisa’s face turned pale, and she froze in place.

When the barbed wire bat was about to land on her, Peter stretched out his arm and

took the hit for her.

The barbed wire on the bat pierced right into Peter’s flesh.

Then, blood started flowing out of his strong arm.


Jolina yelled. Then, she saw Peter lifting his foot and kicking the person who attacked them.

The person let go of the bat and he staggered backward before falling to the ground.

Kisa looked at that person and found out that she was one of the prison guards she had talked to with Gilbert.

The barbed wire bat was still stuck on Peter’s arm, and it hurt just by looking at it.

Jolina was stunned silent as she stared at the blood on Peter’s arm in fear.

After falling to the ground, the prison guard immediately tried to get up and run away.

Peter’s gaze turned cold. He ripped the bat off his arm and swung it at the prison guard.

The bat landed on her ankle. It hurt her so much, that her leg bent, and she lay flat on the ground.

Kisa recollected herself and immediately went to pin the prison guard down.

After that, Jolina hurriedly went to help too.

Peter shook the blood off his arm and walked toward them.

“You wicked people. All of you deserve to die.”

Kisa’s heart sank as she gazed at the hatred and aggressive look of the prison guard.

Then, she asked nervously, “What happened to this village? How did everything happen?”

“Gilbert Kooper. Gilbert Kooper is the one who did it.”

Kisa froze and she was left speechless.

Peter brought his brows together and asked in a deep voice, “What exactly happened? Tell us everything.”

Suddenly, the prison guard screamed and started crying.

Peter picked the prison guard up and dragged her to the car. Then, he held her against the wheel.

Jolina grabbed Kisa’s arm and followed them.

The prison guard glared at Kisa as if Kisa was her bitterest enemy.

Kisa took a deep breath and asked, “What exactly happened after we left that day?”

“Gilbert Kooper is a demon, a heartless killer. He told us that if we’d just play along and convince you that the fire had nothing to do with him, he’d let us go and not hurt us. However, his men came right after both of you left the village.”

The prison guard gritted her teeth and continued, “I can still remember every single thing that happened that day. Those men invaded our village and smashed all our houses. They said that they were going to destroy our home and kill all of us too.

“We ran for our lives and hid from them. The only thing that we could do is to watch them burn our village to ashes in a ravine. I hate him. I hate that demon who lied to us!”

Kisa sat blankly on the ground. She could not get another word out of her mouth anymore.

Peter glanced at the prison guard and asked, “Why are you still here then? Where are the others?”

“The other villagers went to another place and settled down. The men in our village are working very far from home and we lost contact with them after the village was destroyed. We’re worried that they won’t be able to find us anywhere when they get back, so we would send someone to come here every day to look around. Hmph. But I wasn’t expecting to see this woman here again at all.”

That prison guard said as she shifted her vicious gaze at Kisa.

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