Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 905

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 905

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 905

Chapter 905 You’re So Ruthless!

Before Jolina could finish her sentence, she saw Peter taking off his shirt.

The man’s thin upper body was suddenly exposed to her at such a close distance.

The man even smiled devilishly at her. “You wouldn’t take a good look every time I show you, so here, have a good look. Who has the better body, me or that man in your dreams?”

Jolina choked, her expression turned sullen as she yelled, “Pervert!”

As she said that, she turned and left, swearing never to believe a single word of this man ever again.

Peter pursed his lips before taking his clothes and grinned as he walked toward a small pond by the entrance of the col.

When he tailed the jailer yesterday, he noticed the pond water was clear and good enough to be used for bathing.

Just as Jolina returned to the car, Kisa had gotten out of it.

Her thin body shook a little, seemingly unsteady.

She held the door. Her face was so pale it was horrifying.

Jolina hurried over to help her, “Miss Kisa, you…”

“I’m fine.” Kisa smiled at her, her voice very soft.

Jolina pursed her lips and did not ask further as she helped Kisa to sit on the rock Peter had slept on earlier.

Kisa leaned against the rock, slightly squinting as she looked at the rising sun.

The mountain air was fresh, the sunrise glorious. Yet, for all of nature’s beauty, her heart was in total desolation.

She had thought about it the whole night.

She still needed to accept the truth as it was.

She had never thought that the most hurtful thing was not traps or injuries but these sorts of sweetened lies.

This kind of hurt which saw her tricked into falling in love, was far before being given a slap, was much, much more painful than anything.

She will not just let things lay like this.

Be it hatred of that fire from years ago or the hatred of that man deceiving her. She would have all of it accounted for.

‘No more. I will never believe that man ever again.‘

No matter how loving he pretends to be, she will never be fooled again.

Thinking of those sweet memories from a while ago, she felt a tinge of irony.

Her eyes soon welled with tears.

She raised her head and held them back as a fragile yet determined arc formed on the corners of her lips.

‘Gilbert Kooper… I will not stop until I see you fall!‘

When Peter came back, he found the two women leaning on the rock in silence. The atmosphere was so dour it was suffocating.

He immediately walked over and asked.

“Feeling better? Let’s get on the road if you’re doing better. I do not want to stay at this place a moment longer, and I’m hungry.”

As he said that, Peter walked toward the car.

Kisa called out to him, “Can you give me a cigarette?”

Peter raised his eyebrow. “Oh? Trying to smoke like a man?”

Kisa did not speak. Her pale and icy face looked rather intimidating.

Peter did not say much else as he walked over and handed the cigarette and lighter to her.

This was the first time Kisa smoked.

She heard that smoking could relieve stress and sorrow.

She was extremely frustrated at this moment, so she wanted to give it a try.

Yet when she took the first puff, she choked and coughed violently.

Peter smiled as he took the cigarette from her. “Enough already. Don’t smoke if you don’t know how to smoke. Gilbert will be after my head if you choke to death.”

Kisa suddenly turned sullen as she looked at him with a hostile glare.

Peter was taken aback. A moment later, he laughed skittishly, “My bad, I meant

Jensen. Jensen will be after my head.”

As he said that, he got into the car.

‘Man, women are scary when angry, as if they are about to devour someone.’

The car then moved.

Kisa leaned against the window, and as she looked at the ruins that were slowly fading from sight, her heart was desolate.

It had only just been a few months, and that peaceful village was gone.

‘Gilbert, you are so ruthless!‘

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