Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 906

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 906

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 906

Chapter 906 Is She Back?

On this day, Gilbert woke up early.

He went downstairs to eat as usual.

Ever since Grandma agreed to allow him to be with Kisa, his entire being had returned to life and was no longer depressed or sluggish as he was a few days ago.

Seeing how energetic he was, Mrs. Kooper Sr. inevitably had mixed feelings about it.

She pushed the breakfast the servants had prepared to him and snorted, “You better pray that that woman is true to you and that she will never betray or hurt you. Otherwise, the one hurting the most, in the end, will be you.”

Gilbert held his mug of milk and did not say anything.

After getting along for some time, he naturally believed Kisa’s feelings for him.

However, for him to say such heartless words to her that day, he had no idea if he could coax her back.

Davian and Kelvin have not found any news of her either.

It was inevitable for him to worry a little when she disappeared just like that.

After breakfast, he went over to Kisa’s residence again.

When he opened the door, the empty room filled his heart with a sense of loss again.

All this while, he felt her house was a very warm place, and he loved to stay in this place.

Only now did he realize the warmth was because of that woman’s presence.

Without her, the house was just like any other, cold and empty.

He then took a step forward inside the house with a heavy heart.

It looked like she had never returned to this place ever since that night.

All of the furnishings inside the house remained untouched. The curtains in her room were still half– closed, and the bedding was neatly folded, exactly how it was like

when he came over every day.

‘How much does she hate me?‘

‘Or rather, how much did I hurt her?‘

She hid so well that no one could find her.

He leaned against the closet and lit a cigarette as sorrow and guilt lined his brows.

How he wished to say “Sorry” to her, but unfortunately, she was so unfeeling that she refused to give him this opportunity.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the room.

He shuddered as a tinge of excitement welled in his heart.

‘Is she back?‘

Without even thinking, he rushed out of the room.

But when he saw who the visitor was, a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

It was not Kisa but Lea.

Lea walked in cautiously, looking around as she came in.

Gilbert said softly, “Kisa’s not here. She hasn’t come back yet.”

Lea hung her head, her heart roiling with mixed feelings.

She then whispered, “Kisa did not go to the set for the past few days as well, so the filming has stopped. Kisa was always a stickler to duty and will never do that.”

‘Yeah, she was most afraid of troubling someone else and will never delay the entire filming process for her own personal reasons.”

In the end, he was the one who hurt her too deeply.

His heart ached, recalling the look of sorrow and despair on her face the other day..

Lea looked at him, her heart tangled with mixed feelings.

After a while, when she saw Gilbert was about to leave, she finally spoke, “Mr. Gilbert…”

Gilbert stopped as he turned around and looked at her. “Yes?”

Lea walked over silently and closed the main door.

Gilbert frowned in an instant as a look of suspicion flashed across his eyes.

Lea then walked to him and whispered, “I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Could the misunderstanding between you and Kisa be resolved if the warden is


A dangerous glint suddenly appeared in Gilbert’s eyes. “Do you know where he is?”

Lea shook her head. “I only know that the warden is in Mr. Jensen’s hands, and he is about to take the warden to a hidden place in the southern mountains.”

“How did you know about this?” Gilbert’s gaze grew even sharper.

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