Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 907

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 907

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 907

Chapter 907 Tracking

Lea seemingly had already thought up an excuse as she calmly said, “I heard him calling someone and saying that by chance in the bar and learned about this.”

Gilbert looked at her with an inquisitive look in his eyes.

He did not know much about Lea and only knew that she had been acting a little weird since Kerrona Hill.

She was, however, still Kisa’s best friend.

Back when Kisa was terminally ill, it was Lea who took care of her.

He pursed his lips and said, “Thank you for telling me this. Kisa has always been a person who is deeply invested in a relationship. You are her best friend, so I hope you don’t do anything that would hurt her.”

Lea’s heart tensed up when she heard that.

A surge of guilt and remorse welled in her heart.

She held her handbag strap tightly and nodded. “Understood. Kisa is equally important to me too.”

Gilbert did not say anything else and walked out.

No matter how credible the news Lea had given him was, he needed to ascertain its veracity.

If he could find the warden, there would be more basis when explaining to Kisa, and perhaps the misunderstanding between them could be resolved.

He could not help but feel a little excited when he thought of this.

However, the southern mountain was a large place, and if Jensen hid the warden there, finding him would take some effort.

What he was most afraid of was him alerting Jensen, causing him to move the warden to another place.

Gilbert pondered for a bit and decided to intercept them along the way or tail them first.

When he arrived, he saw Jensen’s car still parked downstairs.

So the man should still be inside the house.

Gilbert then quietly waited downstairs.

As the cigarette in his hand burned away bit by bit between puffs, Gilbert’s eyes were trained toward the entrance of the apartment.

Sometime later, Jensen finally walked out of the apartment.

He was alone, and the warden was not by his side.

‘Right, Jensen knows I’m too looking for the warden, so he definitely would not bring the warden with him at all times.‘

It was just that he had no idea if Jensen had already sent the warden to the southern


As he pondered that, Jensen started his car.

Gilbert then quietly watched as Jensen’s car drove out of the gantry.

A moment later, he started the car and followed behind.

No matter what, he wanted to tail them and have a look.

It was rush hour, and there were many cars on the road.

Jensen had always been shrewd and cautious, so Gilbert dared not get too close.

There were a few cars between them.

And they stopped and moved as they went.

Gilbert was on the main road and saw Jensen’s car suddenly turning into a remote trail after the traffic light.

He grabbed the steering wheel tightly and anxiously but could not do anything.

After his car finally got past the traffic light, he immediately turned his car into that path.

However, he could no longer see Jensen’s car on that trail.

Gilbert parked the car by the roadside as he looked at the small trail.

The trail was very long and was lined by trees, and a little further in were rather old buildings on both sides.

Gilbert took a puff before raising his head and looking into the distance.

He could not see the trail’s end, but he could see dilapidated residential buildings all along the way, and behind the residential units was a big mountain.

That meant there was no path at the end of this trail, so if Jensen entered it, he definitely had to drive out the same way.

As he thought of that, he was no longer in a hurry as he drove the car and parked it somewhere secluded.

Not too long later, he saw Jensen’s car coming out from the trail.

The co–driver’s seat window was halfway down, and a big white hand stretched out and flicked away some cigarette ash.

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