Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 908

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 908

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 908

Chapter 908 Shut Up If You Don’t Want to Die!

Gilbert’s eyes narrowed as he immediately got into his car and followed behind.

He clearly saw another person in Jensen’s car on the co–driver’s seat, and that person must be the warden.

After Jensen’s car exited the trail, it went directly into the main road.

Gilbert immediately chased after him as two cars stood between him and Jensen.

Gilbert was afraid to lose sight of Jensen again this time, so Gilbert kept a keen eye

on Jensen’s car.

After a few traffic lights, Jensen’s car suddenly turned into a deserted road.

It was the road heading to the south of the city.

The city’s south side was undergoing development and was quite far out, so there were not too many cars there.

When Gilbert’s car made the turn, he drew a considerable distance between him and Jensen. As there were no cars between them, he could still keep an eye on Jensen’s


He could only do this. Otherwise, Jensen will surely notice him.

If Jensen discovered he was tailing him and escaped with the warden, then it’ll be even more difficult to look for the warden.

After some thought, he quietly accelerated as he tried to overtake and intercept

Jensen’s car.

Inside Jensen’s car, the warden tapped the cigarette and complained, “What kind of lousy smoke is this? It’s so bad. The ones at Mr. Tanner’s side were so much better.”

Jensen’s face was tensed, his eyes cold as he ignored the warden.

Seeing that Jensen did not speak, the warden went on even more.

“Also, Mr. Tanner asked you to take care of me properly, and look where you made me put up for the past few days? Those dilapidated houses are all rickety. How is it even fit for anyone to live in? Also, are those tiny dishes you send daily even human food?”

As the warden said that, he picked his teeth with his hand with an extremely annoyed look.

Jensen twitched his lips and asked, “So, what kind of life do you want to live?”

“Of course, I want a big bed, a soft pillow, good food, and also a few gorgeous women to play with.”

Jensen chuckled a little. A look of disgust flashed across his eyes.

The warden gave him a sideway glance as he snorted, “You better not speak to me in

this tone. Mr. Tanner said you must take good care of me. Watch me if I tell Mr. Tanner about this!”

Jensen immediately slammed on the accelerator just as the warden finished speaking.

Due to inertia, the warden was instantly sent slamming hard into the seat.

He roared, “What the heck?! I’ll definitely tell Mr. Tanner about this!”

“Shut up if you don’t want to die!”

Jensen snorted and slammed on the gas.

He then squinted as he looked solemnly at the car through his rearview mirror.

‘Weird? Why is Gilbert following me?‘

‘Could it be that he had been tailing me all this while?‘

Impossible. Jensen wouldn’t miss out on someone tailing him. He found this matter strange.

‘Like, why did Adrien ask me to bring the warden into the secret room in the southern mountain?‘

‘Why didn’t he just bring the warden back to that basement overseas?‘

‘That was a place the warden had stayed hidden for six years. Wasn’t it much safer and more discreet?‘

“What are you doing? What’s the deal with this speed? Slow down. I cannot take this.

Slow down!”

The warden was scared to death as both his hands grabbed onto the handhold.

The warden. interrupted Jensen’s thoughts, and as he looked back at the rearview mirror, he noticed Gilbert was already hot on his tail.

At this moment, the cars were passing through a bridge, and beneath it was a rushing rapid.

After the car was some distance on the bridge, Jensen realized that part of the bridge was damaged.

He saw that the lane he was on had a large sign, and behind it were a series of cordons.

He wanted to change lanes but quickly realized that a large oncoming truck was coming his way.

Jensen frowned and slammed the brakes, wanting to stop just right before the warning sign.

But the moment he stepped on the brake, a look of shock appeared on Jensen’s face.

The brake failed!

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