Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 913

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 913

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 913

Chapter 913 The Chickens Come Home to Roost

“Listen to me. I had really nothing to do with that fire back then. Jensen told the warden to slander me. Ask him when he wakes up if you don’t believe me.”

“That is enough!” Kisa flung his hand away in disgust, shaking her head in disbelief, her face filled with hatred and disappointment. “I can’t believe that you still want to frame him after you have caused so much harm to him. Just how wicked are you?”

‘She says I’m wicked? How familiar! Just like how I used to say the same thing to her in the same tone of voice and expression. The chickens have come home to roost. It is a punishment handed down by God.’

And no matter how badly they both argued, Mia still sat motionless in her chair, her hands staked on the seat clenched into fists, with traces of blood oozing out of them. Her body was tense, and she stared unblinkingly at the emergency room doors.

The doors to the emergency room finally opened, and Mia immediately stood up. Perhaps she had sat for too long. Her legs were stiff. As she got up too rapidly, she could not get her feet straight and almost fell over.

The person who came out was Kelvin. Kisa hurried up to meet him.

“How is Jensen doing?”

“I will talk to you later.” Kelvin looked anxiously at Gilbert. “Jensen has lost too much blood. We need to give him a transfusion immediately, but the hospital’s blood bank doesn’t have enough blood, and it is too late to transfer blood from other places.”

“What is his blood type?” Gilbert asked.

“Type B.”

Gilbert seemed relieved. He stepped forth and rolled up his sleeve. “Take mine. Mine is Type B.”

Kelvin frowned. “But even if you donate yours, it is still not enough. You can’t possibly donate all of your blood.”

“Just take as much as he needs.” Gilbert was looking at Kisa while speaking. But Kisa looked indifferent, not appreciating it at all. He secretly forced a smile, thinking,‘ She probably thinks I’m pretending again. Even if I donate all of my blood and die, she won’t bat an eyelid.‘

The situation was so urgent that Kelvin could not worry about Gilbert’s health. He brought him to get prepared for a blood donation. As he went, he said to Kisa and

Mia, “Go find someone else who has type B blood and could volunteer to donate their


Kisa and Mia were the only ones left in the hallway now, and the air was still. They went looking for people who had type B blood. But it was early in the morning, and few people were at the hospital. Nevertheless, Kisa still went to the lobby at the entrance and asked around, but no one responded. Just then, she saw from a distance Peter squatting on a flower bed in the courtyard, smoking, and Jolina sitting on a bench six feet away from him. She hesitated but still went over and asked them.

“Do any of you have type B blood?”

Jolina shook her head. “I’m type A. What is wrong?”

“Jensen has lost a lot of blood and needs transfusion as soon as possible, but the blood bank does not have enough blood.”

Peter suddenly stubbed out his cigarette, rose to his feet, and said, “You should have told me earlier. Mine is type B.”

Jólina looked at him in astonishment, not expecting that he would offer to donate his blood to others. Without any delay, Kisa brought Peter to perform a blood donation.

Kisa sat down beside Mia. Knowing that Mia loved Jensen, she did not know how to comfort Mia at this moment. She felt miserable and was so exhausted that she was about to collapse. But she held on, waiting for Jensen to come out of the emergency room safely.

“The windows were all shattered when the car hit the guardrail.”

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