Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 914

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 914

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 914

Chapter 914 It’s Karma

Mia spoke suddenly, her voice slow, deep, and even a little emotionless. “The broken glass pierced him. When he was brought here, he was badly wounded and covered in blood.”

Kisa, whose face was pale, was staggering in her steps. ‘How much pain did he endure, with so many wounds on his body?‘ she asked in her mind.

Mia tilted her head and took a breath, murmuring, “The doctor says he’s not looking good.”

Kisa pursed her lips, guilt weighing her down.

‘Jensen is injured because of me; it was all because of me. I hate myself–hating myself for being so easily gullible to Gilbert’s lies and falling into his honey trap. I could do nothing to atone for my sin if Jensen couldn’t make it.‘

She gritted her teeth as her hatred for Gilbert grew stronger. She told herself that she would make that ruthless man pay for what he had done, no matter what.

“You were the one who told Gilbert about finding the warden, weren’t you?” Mia suddenly asked Kisa, not like a question, but more like sarcasm and a sneer.

Kisa bit her lip. After a long while, she nodded her head.


One clear slap rang out in the hall, standing out in the silence of the night. Jolina was startled and hurriedly held Kisa as she was about to fall over. She looked at Mia with a frown. “Why did you hit her?”

Mia seemed to regret it and pulled at her hair in anguish. “I know I shouldn’t blame you, but I really hate you. It is because of you that this happens to Jensen. Everything he did and all the misery he suffered is all because of you. I told him to stay out of your business and told him leave with me so he wouldn’t be subject to others, and this wouldn’t happen. But he didn’t listen. He couldn’t let go of you–all of you. You didn’t love him, and he knew that. He knew you loved Gilbert, but he was still so adamant. He is a fool who doesn’t even understand what he wants.”

Mia nearly broke down, covering her face and crying out in grief. The usual sultry and charming appearance was all gone. Now she was just a small woman who was so grief–stricken to the point of breaking down.

Kisa leaned against Jolina. There was an obvious slap mark on her pale face, making her look even more miserable. Her heart ached as if she were suffocating, an

unprecedented guilt crushing her. She could only clench her hands, but this caused the already bloody wounds to bleed even more. But she seemed to be unable to feel the pain. Or perhaps this was the only way she could mask the agony inside her.

Mia buried her face deep in her hands, and her choked voice carrying unknown guilt and a trace of incomprehensible complex emotions.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… It is karma. It is karma…” She suddenly apologized repeatedly, without knowing to whom she was apologizing. She was like a complete madwoman who had broken down beyond her senses. Kisa turned her face away sadly, and tears kept falling. She would rather Gilbert come and kill her than hurt the people around her.

In the dimly lit room, Lea watched a video of a traffic accident over and over again. She was tense and shivering. Just then, a burning chest pressed against her back.

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