Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 917

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 917

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 917

Chapter 917 So Vicious It’s Disgusting

She trudged to the window, then took out her cigarette pack and lighter with trembling hands. It was late at night, and no one would care that she was smoking in the hospital. She lit a cigarette and had just taken a drag when Peter, dressed in a protective suit, came out of the emergency room.

Kisa hurriedly went up to him. “How’s it going?”

Peter shook his head. “They are still trying to revive him. Everyone looks so serious. I don’t know how the situation is.”

Mia leaned against the wall and was somewhat feeble. She held the cigarette tightly and said nothing.

Kisa was worried about Peter’s condition as he had just donated blood, so she

helped him to sit on a chair so he could rest for a while, but Peter frowned and shook off her hand. “What are you doing?” As he said that, he glanced at Jolina, but Jolina did not look at him at all.

“You have just had a blood transfusion, so go rest for a while,” Kisa said.

“No, I didn’t have a blood transfusion,” Peter said and hurriedly explained, “Please don’t misunderstand that I didn’t want to donate my blood to Jensen. It was just that Gilbert didn’t let me.”

“What do you mean?” Kisa furrowed her eyebrows, and her voice went cold. “He wants Jensen dead. So he didn’t allow you to donate blood to Jensen, right? So, his volunteering to donate blood to Jensen is also a lie, isn’t it?”

No sooner had Kisa said with indignation than Gilbert emerged from the emergency room with a pale face. While the emergency room door was closing, about shutting out the serious and urgent scene inside, Mia stretched her neck, trying to get a glimpse of the situation inside, but saw nothing.

Kisa glowered at Gilbert. “Why are you faking it if you don’t want to save Jensen? What makes you think you can stop others from donating blood to Jensen?”

Peter got a little anxious when he heard. He tugged at her sleeve. “It is not like that. Don’t say anything first.”

Kisa brushed his hand away. “What not like that? Wasn’t he the one who stopped you from donating blood to Jensen?” She glanced with hateful eyes at Gilbert. “You are really so vicious it is disgusting!”

Gilbert was leaning against the wall by the doorway, his face as pale as paper, and he

looked as if he couldn’t stand up. There were a few large needle holes in his wrists, which were particularly sticking out. Gilbert saw her abhorrence of him and suddenly laughed bitterly and sadly and slowly asked, “Am I really that evil in your eyes now?”

“Isn’t that so?” Kisa sneered.

Peter wanted to say something, but Gilbert suddenly waved to stop him and looked at the bitter face of Kisa.

“Don’t worry. I will donate as much blood to Jensen as he needs, even if it drains all of

my blood. As long as he is safe and you are happy, I don’t care if I die. So, are you happy?”

However, she was not the slightest bit impressed, no matter what Gilbert said. She just sneered and mocked him. “Gilbert, why do you have to pretend here? Isn’t this the outcome you want to see? Who are you doing this for? Get out of my sight! I don’t want to see you for a second.” She really hated him now, wanting to kill him.

Gilbert smiled at her–a smile with a dash of sultry resentment. “Do you really despise me like that?”


Her utter disdain was like a knife lacerating him. He took a deep breath, straightened up, and slowly walked down the aisle. “Okay, I will leave… as you wish.”

But just as his voice trailed off, he collapsed limply toward the ground.

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