Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 918

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 918

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 918

Chapter 918 Trying to Kill Himself

“Mr. Kooper!” Jolina shouted subconsciously, looking anxiously at Kisa.

However, Kisa remained indifferent and abhorrent. In her eyes, whatever Gilbert was doing at the moment was all a show, and he was so good at acting that he could fool everyone. Now she told herself she would not and would never fall for it again.

Peter could not help but say to Kisa, ” You have actually misunderstood him. As much as he didn’t want me to talk about it, I couldn’t keep quiet anymore.”

Kisa said nothing, her face remaining taut and sullen.

“I wanted to donate blood to Jensen, but Gilbert kept asking Kelvin to draw his blood like a madman. Kelvin said that he had reached his limit and would be detrimental to his body if he continued to do this. Kelvin was supposed to have me donate blood to Jensen, but Gilbert wouldn’t let him take my blood and said I could replace him when no more blood could be drawn from him. He was like a man possessed,” Peter said.

“So what?” Kisa asked indifferently, “What do you want to say? Or are you trying to speak for him?”

Kisa’s unfeeling attitude was really frightening, and Peter could not help but lament in his mind. ‘Gilbert has been cocky all his life, and his falling in love with this cold- blooded woman is unfortunate.‘ Peter leaned back against a pillar in the hallway, glanced at Gilbert, who had passed out on the floor, and said absently to Kisa, “I’m not trying to speak for him. It is just that he gave me the feeling that he wanted to kill himself. I just want to remind you not to dismiss him categorically to avoid hurting someone without realizing it.”

Kisa snorted. “He wants to kill himself?” This sounded like a joke to her. She said to

Peter, “He is a good actor. Don’t let him fool you. He went to great lengths to deceive me emotionally just to target Jensen. Now that he has achieved his goal, why would he want to kill himself?” She stared at Gilbert on the floor almost callously. “He is good at pulling tricks. Watch and see if he will die so easily.”

Peter was stumped. ‘Well, men could do nothing about it when women become cold-


Jolina stared at Gilbert on the ground with distress, unable to associate such a Gilbert with a vicious guy. But since Kisa hated him and accused him of that, she knew many things must have happened between them, and those things had broken Kisa’s heart. Otherwise, Kisa would never treat a person so callously. Although she did not know Kisa well, she could tell that Kisa was a sentimental person.

It was pouring again in Calthon, and the lightning and thunder were unsettling. Madalyn walked slowly to the window with her walking stick. It was raining so heavily outside that the rain, blown in by the wind, soaked the curtains and the carpet near the window. Madalyn hurriedly closed the window. Looking at the heavy rain, she frowned. There was always a touch of grief and hatred on her weathered face.

“Grandma…” Suddenly, a feeble voice came from behind her. Madalyn spun around and saw that Gilbert had woken up and was looking at her quietly. “Grandma, how did I come home?” He asked softly, staring at the familiar furnishings in the room. Those horrible and unforgiving words seemed like a nightmare. He did not even dare to think about it, and his heart ached to the point of suffocation whenever he thought of it.

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