Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 919

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 919

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 919

Chapter 919 For the Rest of His Life

Madalyn pursed her lips and then said, “It was Davian who brought you back.” A flash of anger crept up on her face. “You wanted to kill yourself, didn’t you? The doctor said you lost too much blood. If you don’t take care of yourself now, you will get yourself killed.”

“But Jensen isn’t out of danger yet. No matter how much blood he needs, I’m willing to donate it to him.” Gilbert murmured, his bleary eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling. ‘ Kisa hates me for a reason. The other things aside, it was my pursuit that caused Jensen’s accident. If I hadn’t been chasing, he wouldn’t have fallen into the river.‘ He felt powerless at the thought of this indisputable fact, feeling his explanation weak and empty. He rubbed his forehead in dismay, questioning himself. ‘Why wasn’t I the one who met with such an accident? Would Kisa be anxious, instead of hating me so much as she does now if this happens to me?‘

Seeing his expression, Madalyn quickly asked, “What’s wrong? You feel unwell?” Gilbert said nothing but only slightly closed his eyes. Madalyn suddenly sighed sadly. “No one wants this to happen to Jensen. So don’t blame yourself too much. Just hope he can pull through now.” Gilbert remained silent. His decrepit look was heartbreaking. Madalyn patted his hand and sighed. “Take a good rest. I’m going to have the maids make you some chicken soup.” She glanced at him with distress before quietly exiting the room.

Davian came in not long after Madalyn left.

“Mr. Kooper.” Davian greeted him.

Gilbert breathed in gently before looking over at Davian. “How is Jensen?”

Davian was silent for a long while before he said, “He has been transferred to the general ward, but he hasn’t woken up yet.”

“What did Kelvin say?”

Davian lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment. “He said Jensen’s life is not in danger, but…”

A turn of phrase had Gilbert on edge again. He stared at Davian for a moment and said in a hoarse voice, “Go ahead. Tell me all at once.”

Davian pursed his lips and said, “But I’m not sure when he will wake up. It all depends on God’s will. Maybe he will wake up in a few days, or maybe… There is a possibility that he may not wake up for the rest of his life.”

‘For the rest of his life…‘ Gilbert’s heart sank. ‘How long is a lifetime?‘ He dreaded thinking about it. ‘If Kisa hates me for the rest of my life, then what could I do?‘ A heavy sense of powerlessness engulfed him at the thought of this.

Seeing Gilbert’s dismal face, Davian said, “Don’t worry too much. Doctors usually make conservative predictions. Maybe Jensen will wake up in a few days. Take your grandma’s case as an example; the doctor also said it was possible that she would never wake up, but she woke up.”

Gilbert forced a smile, thinking to himself, ‘Who would dare to guarantee a miracle like that?‘ His heart ached when he thought of Kisa’s callous words in the hospital. But he still harbored the illusion that she still somewhat cared for him. He asked Davian, “Did Kisa tell you to come and get me when I fainted in the hospital after losing too much blood?”

Davian got a little angry at the mention of this. “Of course, it was not her. It was Peter. When I arrived at the hospital, you were still lying on the floor. None of them at the scene cared to call the doctor to take a look at you, nor did they carry you to lay you on a bench or something. They just let you lie on the cold floor of the hospital. I feel angry even thinking about it now. Had I not been late, they would still have left you on the floor just like that.”

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