Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 920

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 920

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 920

Chapter 920 Like a Dead Man

Davian spoke indignantly before realizing that he had talked inappropriately. He glanced at Gilbert, only to see Gilbert staring blankly at the ceiling with no expression on his face. Davian was relieved. He thought his speaking out of turn had upset Gilbert.

“Mr. Kooper, you…”

“Leave me alone.” Gilbert suddenly said with little emotion in his voice. He sounded rather calm and somewhat eerie.

Davian asked worriedly, “Are you all right, Mr. Kooper?”

“Get out and leave me alone.”

Davian pursed his lips and headed outside.

After Davian left, Gilbert closed his eyes, and tears instantly trickled down from the corners of his eyes. ‘All she has left of me now is disgust and hatred and even a wish for

my death. Now that the warden is dead and Jensen is in a coma, how else can I explain to her?’ The sense of powerlessness left him with a deep sense of despair. It was a feeling that was worse than dying. How he wished he was the one, not Jensen, lying unconscious in the hospital now.

“Jensen!” Kisa was jolted out of her nightmare. She looked around anxiously, only to see four white walls surrounding her. The air smelled of disinfectant. She realized this was a hospital and wondered what Jensen’s condition was now. Kisa had dreamed of Jensen falling in front of her, covered in blood, and no matter how loud she called out, he did not respond. In the dream, she was terrified, desperately wanting to wake up, as Jensen might be fine if she woke up. But she found that she still had to face the cruel reality after she had woken up.

Lea quickly came up to her, wiping the sweat from her forehead. “Kisa, you are finally awake.”

“What happened to me?” She remembered she was waiting outside the emergency room and then fainted when the emergency room door opened. She could not recall what happened after that and did not know Jensen’s current condition. Without waiting for Lea to answer, she asked, “Where is Jensen? How is he?”

Lea patted her on the back. “You were so tired and slept for two days. Jensen is in the general ward and hasn’t woken up yet.”

Kisa got out of bed at once. “Which ward is it? I will go check on him.”

Jensen’s room was not far from hers. When Kisa went there, she found another person in the ward: Adrien.

Adrien was staring at the unconscious man in the hospital bed, his expression a little strange. Not until he saw her did his usual elegance and calmness return to his face. But his eyes were still bloodshot as if he had been crying.

Kisa was still weak, so it was Lea who helped her to Jensen’s bedside. Looking at Jensen’s pale face, tears started to fall from Kisa’s eyes.

Jensen was wearing an oversized patient gown with a slightly open collar and gauze bandages visible to the naked eye underneath. The bandages were even permeated with sporadic traces of blood. His eyes were closed, and his face was without color. If not for his faint breathing, he did not even look like a person who was still alive.

Kisa slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, took Jensen’s hand, and sobbed uncontrollably in grief. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have fallen for his rhetoric and told him about the warden without

first discussing it with you. It is all my fault. Wake up. Wake up, Jensen.”

Kisa’s suppressed and grieving sobs filled the room. Lea was biting her lower lip, also torn by the same intense guilt. She looked at Adrien with her hands clenched at her sides, but Adrien signaled with his eyes for her to go out. While Lea hesitated, Adrien went out.

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