Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 928

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 928

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 928

Chapter 928 The Game of Feelings

However, as she smiled, tears fell involuntarily. ‘This time, I won’t fall into his trap, no matter what. Since he likes to play games with others‘ feelings, I will play along this time.‘

Gilbert opened the refrigerator and took a look. Although there were many

ingredients in the refrigerator, looking at the date, they were all bought on Kisa’s birthday. His eyes darkened with a touch of sadness, thinking about her birthday. He pursed his lips, threw all those expired ingredients into the trash, and then cleaned the refrigerator before looking for other ingredients.

He rummaged through the kitchen cabinets and finally found a pack of pasta and, fortunately, a few eggs in the refrigerator. Gilbert took the eggs out and fried them first. When the pasta was done, he laid the eggs on top. This way, it looked tantalizing.

He had made two plates of pasta and was wondering if he should take it to the living room and wake Kisa up or take it into the bedroom when he saw Kisa appear in the kitchen doorway. The blush on her face had faded by now. She seemed to have taken a shower, her hair slightly soggy. She was wearing a baggy robe and looked a little frail.

“What have you made?” She smiled gently at him, unlike that day in the hospital. At this moment, she was simply different from the one she was that day.

Gilbert had a vague feeling that something was wrong, but he did not dare to think too much about it or even ask her. He coveted the intimacy of the moment. Even if it was a trap, he would rather fall into it. He showed the pasta to her and smiled. “There were no other ingredients, so I cooked two plates of this.”

“That looks pretty yummy.” Kisa smiled, walked over, and reached over to take the plate.

However, Gilbert dodged her hand. “It is hot. Go sit down at the table, and I will bring it over.”

“Mmmmmm, you are so sweet.” Kisa smiled sweetly at him, then leaned over to kiss him before turning around and heading over to the table. But when she turned around, the gentle smile on her face vanished, replaced by a cold one. ‘See, this man pretends to be gentle and considerate, so conveniently and naturally, almost realistic. If not for the heartbreaking experiences, recognizing the true nature of his malice and ruthlessness, I would have been deceived by his gentle disguise again.‘

Gilbert stared in stupefaction at her back. She had never behaved like a little woman in front of him, and now that she did, it felt a little strange. But he still liked it. Gilbert placed the plate of pasta with more eggs in front of her. “Tomorrow, we will go shopping for some ingredients, and I will make you another delicious meal.”

“Hmm.” Kisa held the plate with one hand and picked up the cutlery with the other. Perhaps because she was already starving, she first took a bite. As she chewed the pasta, she stared blankly at the pasta on the plate, her eyes reddening in the vapor. Seeing this, Gilbert frowned and asked anxiously, “What is wrong? Is it not good?”

Kisa said nothing. She just took another mouthful of pasta. But more and more tears were falling from her eyes, dripping onto the plate.

Gilbert got anxious and hastily went over to cradle her.

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