Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 929

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 929

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 929

Chapter 929 Has She Ever Understood Him? novelbin

“If you don’t like it, leave it. I will get you something else to eat,” Gilbert said, going to take the plate away.

Kisa suddenly held on to the plate of pasta, choking on a sob as she slurred, “It is delicious. The pasta you cooked is delicious. It is just that I didn’t expect you to cook it for me. After all, you said that you never liked me.”

It hurt him to hear her last sentence. ‘As expected, no matter how much of a goodwill gesture I have made, she still minds what I said last time. She always holds grudges and holds on to those hurtful things I said,” Gilbert thought to himself. He then stroked her long, silky hair and said helplessly, ” Those callous things I said to you the other day were really all lies. They were just for grandma to hear. I thought you would understand me.”

Kisa sneered in her mind. ‘Have I ever understood him? Had the warden not first told me the truth about the fire that day, he might have successfully deceived me again.‘ She secretly kept down the bitterness in her heart and choked out, “I don’t care if those hurtful things you said are true. I’m going to stick with you for the rest of my life. Even if you are tired of me, disgusted with me, and want to drive me away, I’m not going away.”

“Silly girl.” Gilbert took her into his arms affectionately. He cradled her head to his chest and said in a deep voice, “I love you more than I can say. Why would I drive you away? Remember, I will never drive you away in my life. Unless you betray me and do something wrong to me.”

‘He always speaks with such deep affection, and even his promises are loaded with tenderness. He is a true amorist, I must say.’ Kisa shook her head vigorously. “I will not betray you. I thought a lot these days and found I love you the most. Of course, I once hated and resented you. But that resentment is ultimately no match for my feelings for you. Gilbert, I don’t mind even if you are deceiving me. As long

as I can stay by your side, I will do whatever you want.” She deliberately lowered herself, eager to see who was a better actor.

Gilbert stared at her soberly, finding this woman increasingly strange. But even if she was very weird at the moment, he did not bother to look deeper. He just wanted her to stay by his side, even if he was deceiving himself and she had an ulterior motive.

“Okay, don’t think too much. Let’s eat.” Gilbert brushed the hair hanging down by her cheek to the back of her ear and smiled softly at her.

Kisa pursed her lips and suddenly said, “I have reflected on what the warden said.”

Gilbert’s hand holding the cutlery froze for a moment. Although he did not want to mention those things to ruin the atmosphere, there was something that they had to face, eventually.

He hung his head and asked in a deep voice, “So, do you believe him or me?”

“I believe you, of course,” she said without the slightest hesitation.

Gilbert’s heart fluttered with a flash of excitement and secret joy. He initially thought he could never explain himself about the fire after the warden’s death and Jensen’s passing in a coma. But now she said she believed him.

Kisa said seriously, “The warden said that you conspired with him to start the fire, but I thought about it carefully and found that what he said did not match the words of the two jailers. Compared with the warden, I would rather believe you.”

“Then have you ever wondered why the warden smeared me?”


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