Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 944

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 944

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 944

Chapter 944 Lack of Restraint

‘Men do not know how to control themselves these days. They keep asking for so much. Has this man never touched a woman before? He’s acting like he just got out of solitary confinement,‘ Kisa thought.

In a daze, the man had already undone her bra. Suddenly, Kisa remembered

something and hurriedly pushed the man away. “Wait, wait, wait,” she sat up and


“What are we waiting for?” Gilbert replied with a hoarse voice, his dark eyes locked

on Kisa.

He then saw the woman reaching for the drawer of the coffee table. More than half of her body was still under him; she struggled to stretch her hand out. She held onto the drawer handle and opened it with great effort. Kisa reached into the drawer and pulled out a small white see–through bag.

With only a glance, Gilbert could already see its contents clearly. He could not help but frown. “You want me to put this on?” he asked.

Kisa handed him an unopened box of condoms.

“You have to put it on every time we do it in the future, understood?”

Gilbert was a little unhappy. “But I don’t want to,” he said in a muffled voice.

Kisa sneered to herself when she heard that.

‘Well, well, well. Just as expected–men don’t prefer using condoms. I guess I have to get some birth control pills, then. After all, I cannot be pregnant with his child.‘

She put away the condom and rubbed the back of her neck.

“That’s fine. I can just take some birth control pills later,” she said with a smile.

The man’s face darkened utterly. He got up from her body, frowned at her, and asked,

“What does that mean?”

Kisa saw that the man was suddenly mad. She hurriedly got up and rushed into his arms with no shame. “What’s wrong?” She asked while she ran her fingers down his chest.

Gilbert was angry that Kisa did not want to have his baby.

‘Although we already have two lovely children, it’s not enough! It doesn’t matter how many more there’ll be; I’ll love them as long as they’re her children. But it’s clear that

she doesn’t want to bear my children. Speaking of which, I think she doesn’t like kids

all that much.‘

Originally, Gilbert wanted to tell Kisa more about Andrew and Ada on her birthday. However, with so many bad incidents happening, he felt increasingly insecure about doing so. Moreover, Kisa’s sudden change in attitude was also a problem.

Although he was happy that she was being sweet and gentle to him, he was still afraid that all of it was just an illusion. Now, seeing that she was not willing to have a baby with him, he was even more afraid to talk to her about Andrew and Ada.

‘Oh, forget it. I’ll just wait and tell her after everything is settled,” he thought. Gilbert was mad at the woman in his arms, but he did not want to push her away.

Kisa noticed that he had not spoken for a long time. Thus, she grabbed his shoulders to push herself up a little and kissed him on the lips. There was a touch of flattery in

her kiss.


“Alright, there’s no need to be mad. If you don’t like it, then we won’t use it, okay?” she said as she picked up the box of condoms, preparing to get rid of them.

Suddenly, the man grabbed her wrist. He looked into her eyes and suppressed his anger as he asked, “You’re going to take birth control if we don’t use a condom, right?

“Well, yeah. I mean, what if I get pregnant?”

“Then give birth to the baby!” Gilbert said angrily.

“What?! Do you think I, Gilbert, can’t afford to raise a child?!”

Kisa was startled. Then, she suddenly remembered how excited she had been for their baby in the past and how cruel Gilbert was to say that he wanted an abortion. She also could not help but think of her child, who had died in the fire in the end.

‘Hah. How could I trust him now?” She thought.

She climbed up to his shoulders and kissed his earlobes as she said, “Don’t you already have two children?”

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