Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 945

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 945

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 945

Chapter 945 i Only Like Our Children

Gilbert was a little uncomfortable with Kisa teasing him. He clenched his hands tightly, staring intensely at her. He never knew that she was so good at flirting, which awakened sexual urges in him. He grabbed her by the shoulders, and his hands tightened. His grip then loosened and tightened, over and over. He tried to push her away several times but could not bear it.

“Aren’t two children enough? How many more do you want?” The woman

deliberately whispered in his ear. “Well, I can afford it. And there’s no such thing as having too many children. Why can’t I have more?” he said, gritting his teeth and grabbing her slender waist.

Suddenly, Kisa laughed seductively, “I couldn’t tell that you liked having children.” Although there was a smile on her face, cold irony filled her heart. ‘He’s so rich that he doesn’t mind having more children, but he could not tolerate the child in my womb in the past. I will never conceive a child with him ever again,‘ she thought.

Gilbert’s whole body tensed up as Kisa teased him. He held the woman tightly in his arms and said with a deep voice into her ears, “I don’t just go around liking children. I only like our children.” Gilbert could always come up with such sweet and moving words. However, Kisa was unfazed by it. With a flirtatious smile on her face, she said, “But I don’t want to have a baby with you.”

Gilbert’s anger rose again. ‘I knew it. She doesn’t want to bear my child. No wonder she always threatened me with a child. Is it because she is cold and ruthless by nature, or does she simply not like me enough to have a child with me?‘

Wild guesses and speculations started to pop up in Gilbert’s mind. In the end, he pushed Kisa away. He suppressed the sexual urges he had and growled at her, “Why don’t you want to bear my child?

You’re literally my wife. Whose child are you going to give birth to if not mine? Or do you feel that it’s embarrassing for you to have a baby with me?” The man was raging.

Kisa slowly sat on the sofa. She lowered her head and the coyness she had earlier changed into depression. “You already have two children. Why would you want another child with me?”

Gilbert was furious. He was about to say something when the woman suddenly continued, “I am not only your wife. I am also a public figure. My image and my private life are in the eyes of the media all the time. Let’s say I get pregnant with your child. What would I do if you suddenly asked me for an abortion? I would be a laughingstock to the people and the media.”

“What are you thinking about all day long? How could I ever ask you to abort a baby?” Gilbert was dumbfounded by her words, his heart full of anger. ‘Why does she always think I’m cruel and ruthless?‘

Kisa sneered when she heard his words. ‘What does he mean by he would never ask me to abort my baby? Didn’t he do that back then? I still remember every word that came out of his mouth when it happened to this day.‘

Kisa kept her head down with her hands folded on her knees, like a child who had done something wrong. “Besides, abortions are harmful to the body, and my health is already in bad shape. I still want to live a few more years.”

Gilbert originally wanted to argue with Kisa about the child, but after hearing her last sentence, he suddenly stopped talking.

‘It’s true; she is not in good health. Pregnancy and childbirth can be harmful to the body,‘ he thought.

However, he was still mad. He felt sorry for Kisa and was reluctant to let her body get hurt because of childbirth, but her not wanting to give birth to his child was a whole

other matter.

At that moment, the insecurities he felt grew more and more intense. Kisa tried to push herself onto him again, but he subconsciously pushed her away.

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