Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 946

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 946

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 946

Chapter 946 Her Body

Kisa was caught off guard for a moment and was pushed to the ground by Gilbert. He looked at her and saw that there were tears in her eyes. The corner of her lips curled upwards due to self–mockery. “I see. You’ve started to detest me in just a few days. I guess I was being too cheap. I knew you didn’t like me, but I still tried to get you back through sex.”

“It’s not like that…” Gilbert stared at Kisa helplessly. For a moment, he was angry and did not know how to calmly talk to her about it anymore.

‘This woman has really changed these past few days; her words had become rather weird. She is always trying to figure out all kinds of malicious conjectures about me.‘ he thought.

“I’ll go back to the Kooper residence tonight so you can get some rest,” he sighed softly and said in a low voice to the woman who was still sitting on the ground. He could feel the awkward tension between them. He was scared that they would start to argue more and more if they stayed together in the same room.

He was also afraid that Kisa would overthink the situation. ‘Every time she overthinks, I become a heinous villain in her eyes,’ he thought.

The woman did not speak. Instead, she just looked up at him. There were tears in her eyes but a smile on her face, which was a rather pitiful sight. Gilbert helped her up and put her on the sofa. He stroked her long soft hair and said, “Remember to rest up. I’ll take you to the Kooper residence in a few days.” After finishing speaking, Gilbert kissed Kisa on the lips, straightened up, and turned around to walk out.

Kisa stared intensely at his back. “Gilbert, how long do you think you’ll be interested in my body?” she asked after a long time.

Gilbert froze. He clenched his fists and turned to look at her with disappointment.” Do you think I’m only with you for your body?”

“What other reason would there be? I know you don’t like me,” Kisa laughed.

Gilbert took a deep breath and did not try to explain much. Instead, he said in a soft voice, “You should get some rest.” After that, he left without looking back.

As soon as he left, Kisa’s facial expression turned calm. Her eyes became cold and indifferent. ‘If he doesn’t just want me for my body, then what does he want? Is he still trying to use me to get back at Jensen? There’s no way he likes me for who I am.‘

After Gilbert came out of the apartment, he did not leave. The sky was dark. Gilbert

Chapter 946 Her Body

leaned against the front of the car and lit up a cigarette, annoyed. He looked up at the building where Kisa was and got increasingly frustrated. When she suddenly showed him affection this time, he had told himself to cherish her and treat her well.

‘I told myself not to think about her strange behavior; that as long as she stayed by my side, I wouldn’t care about anything else. But I guess I was wrong. Turns out I still care. I still care whether her affection for me is real. We were fine before this; we were happy. Everything was fine, but I had to go and care about her sincerity toward


The more you care about, the more conflicted you become. In the end, Gilbert was the one who suffered the most. He understood this concept behind everything, but he could not control himself. He tugged on his tie irritably and stared at the window of the woman’s apartment. No matter what Gilbert

did or how good he was to her, Kisa never believed that he meant it; this was what made him completely powerless.

Kisa leaned against the window, quietly looking at the person outside her apartment. The corners of her lips curled up unconsciously, and a smug expression appeared across her face.

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